Tag: Humanoids
Digital Comics Sale – Marvel, Moebius and The Dresden Files
As usual, there are a few different offers vying for your discounted dollar.
Humanoids Launches the “Life Drawn” Imprint for “Life on Earth” Graphic Novels
The new imprint will separate the usual SF/F graphic novels from a new set of mainstream literary comics.
REVIEW: EXO Reflects the Mystical & Sinister Sides of Planetary Exploration
Writer: Jerry Frissen
Artist: Philippe Scoffoni
Humanoids Inc.
EAN 9781594654589
144 pages - HC
Since time immemorial, humanity looked to the heavens and wondered what exists in the vast expanse of space. As mankind’s scientific understanding of the universe...
Review: Robert Silverberg gets a makeover
Adapted from Robert Silverberg’s 1970 novel of the same title, writer Phillippe Thirault and artist Laura Zuccheri face the challenge of helping the nearly 50-year-old science fiction novel seem not so outdated. Not story-wise,...
Help Wanted: Humanoids Inc. Is Hiring!
Well, here's an interesting industry position that just came across the wire. The folks over at Humanoids, Inc. are looking for a Sales and Marketing Assistant for their growing office in Los Angeles.
Pertinent job...
Help Wanted: Humanoids is hiring a Director of Sales and Marketing
Humanoids, the LA-based arm of the French publisher, is hiring, and here's the job listing - if you like Jorodowsk, MOebius and Manara and other European comics greats...this is for you!
Step into The Jodoverse with this affordable collection
Alexandro Jodorowsky is one of comics' original crossover artists. An internationally acclaimed experimental filmmaker and novelist, he's used comics as his chosen medium for some of his most powerful stories, including The Incal, The Metabarons,...
Review: Silent parable The Ark is science fiction as sacred text
This silent, black and white work from French artist Stephane Levallois, and the publisher Humanoids, best known for his storyboard work on films like Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and others, is like...
Review: ‘The Tipping Point’ unites science fiction themes with human psychology
Part of the celebration of 40 years of international publisher Humanoids, this anthology gathers some great talent to explore the idea of forks in the roads, those moments of life discovery that are like Schrodinger’s...
Humanoids Announces “The Tipping Point” Anthology with International Powerhouse Lineup
Touting it as "the first truly international graphic novel", Humanoids announced a brand new anthology named The Tipping Point, due out January 2016. Featuring 13 creators from 3 continents and simultaneously published in 4 countries, it's hard to contest their claim and I gotta tell you, I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor with this list. With names like Naoki Urasawa, Frederik Peeters, Boulet, Paul Pope, Taiyô Matsumoto,Bastien Vivès, and more - good luck not picking this up.
Humanoids announces three picture deal at Cannes for Bouncer, Legion and Zombies
Storied French publisher Humanoids—publisher of many classics by Moebus, Jodorowsky and Bilal—has gotten into the graphic novel to movie race with a three picture deal with Full House announced at the Cannes Film Festival...