Tag: Humanoids
Review: There’s power and dignity in these ‘Vietnamese Memories’
Clement Baloup's gorgeous and moving stories of the Vietnamese who settle in America
INDIE VIEW: Three unexpected calamities, two definite solutions
Reviewed: Captain Barbosa and the Pirate Hat Chase, New Life, and Things Go Wrong #1
INTERVIEW: Humanoid’s Jud Meyers on marketing an open-minded comics culture
Humanoids Comics took a very calculated approach to 2018. They’ve announced a new imprint, called H1, that looks to establish a shared superhero universe complete with on-going and limited series. They’ve expanded upon stories...
Where’s all the money in comics coming from anyway?
People are investing like crazy in comics despite the small returns.
INTERVIEW: Sébastien Samson went the distance for MY NEW YORK MARATHON
French cartoonist Sébastien Samson's graphic novel about running in the New York Marathon shows the universal language of the graphic novel.
NYCC ’18: Humanoids Announces A New Shared Universe Designed by Carla Speed McNeil, Kwanza...
By Adam Karenina Sherif
To celebrate twenty years of publishing in the US, French publisher Humanoids has announced a major new publishing initiative this weekend at NYCC. H1, which launches in 2019 with three ongoing and three mini-series,...
Mark Waid Joins Humanoids as Director of Creative Development Ahead of New Publishing Initiative...
Something's going on here...
Comic Artist John Cassaday Named CCO of Humanoids
Veteran artist/director Cassaday will help the Euro-based publisher push into the American market with announcements likely to come at NYCC.
Digital Comics Sale Round Up: Jim Lee, Geoff Johns, Star Wars, Daredevil, Judge Dredd...
A few selections that might interest you
Marilyn Monroe, Hedy Lamarr and the New York Marathon – Humanoids Announces a New...
And the second installment of Kabul Disco, too
SDCC ’18: Madame Cat is an adorable comic – with an even more adorable...
Nancy Peña's new book captures human/feline co-dependency with imagination and humor.
Review: Charting homophobia’s personal toll in ‘Luisa: Now and Then’
We all have things we’d like to explain to our teenage selves, and I have a feeling the older we get, the more we want to unload. But there are levels of knowledge that...