Young Mozart, the new graphic novel from Humanoids’ YA imprint BIG, hits booksellers and comic shops this week.
Written and illustrated by French illustrator William Augel, the book follows the musical genius as a child. In doing so, it depicts real events from his childhood. Described as a “tender and playful glimpse” into Mozart growing up, this story shows him drawing inspiration from the world around him. From the cries of his sister to the poop of his dog to birds, crickets, and frogs. The book has already earned high praise from modern musical luminaries.
“Wolferi’s inspired musical antics spark the reader’s imagination,” said Joanne Pearce Martin, principal keyboardist for the Los Angeles Philharmonic, in a statement. “It’s a wonderful mix of historically accurate information and humor that brings out the playful child inside of all of us. You’ll have so much fun during the journey, you won’t realize how much you’ve learned!”
Young Mozart is a whimsical story likely to draw comparisons to Charles Shultz’s Peanuts, especially for the scenes between the boy and his dog. The book hits booksellers today and comicbook stores tomorrow. Meanwhile, you can check out preview art after the jump.

Enter Young Mozart, the boy genius! Follow the many, real and imaginary, childhood adventures of the world’s greatest composer, as he finds inspiration in the most unexpected places! A journey filled with music and humor, that always ends on a high note! Included: Young Mozart’s Playbook. Play and learn with the musical legend!
William Augel was born in Le Mans. A draftsman and independent illustrator, he wrote several books oriented toward the youth, and works regularly for magazines such as La Salamandre. In 2011, he was published in l’Oeuf Atomes Crochus and, in 2012, he published Monstrueuse Cathy with Jarjille. In 2016, still with Jarjille, he released Zoostrip and Pinard mon nectar and the following year, Young Mozart (Le Petit Mozart) with La Boîte à bulles.

Young Mozart
Young MozartYoung Mozart