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Tag: Game of Thrones

Dynamite bundles massive loincloth collection with “Swords, Sandals, and Sorcery!” from Groupees

    Lord of the Bundle, Dynamite, has a new one at Groupees, this one themed "Swords, Sandals and Sorcery!" and for a pay what you want model as low as $1 you'll get a vast...

Entertainment Round-Up: Justice League: Mortal concept art, Spider-Man finalists test in Atlanta, Mastodon appears...

A quick round-up of a few Entertainment headlines that appeared over the weekend

Walking The Game Beat: Arkham Knight, Mortal Kombat, Halo, Game of Thrones

Batman falls behind, while Game of Thrones sees a new chapter.

Game of Thrones trailer: Bowie and Blood and Beards, oh my

Game of Thrones fans - your official season five trailer is here! Can we talk about that choice of cover songs? The use of a "Heroes" cover here is basically perfect.

Game of Thrones Playing Cards

Not long until it's Game of Thrones all the way, as the new season premieres in the Spring, In the meantime, in order to celebrate Game of Thrones as well as other hit shows, Ladbrokes...

Game of Boobs

If you're not a devoted Game of Thrones watcher, please move away. Sean T. Collins has a post about the recent rape problems on the show that kind of echoes what I'd been thinking. Basically, that the Jamie/Cersei rape scene wasn't necessarily a fatal misstep, given that we don't know where these characters are going...but the problem is that it probably wasn't meant to be a rape scene by the producers, a view supported by the confused interviews they've given about the scene in question.

How to prepare yourself for Game of Thrones Season Four

Game of Thrones Season Four had its premiere at Lincoln Center last night and they built a big old dragon for the occasion, as seen on Instagram. The new season debuts on April 6th, and doubtless we will have daily countdown clocks blazing across Tumblr. If you, like The Beat, have waited until the last minute to cram on remembering what happened last season, here's a short new trailer that was just released:

SDCC’13: Megan Byrd’s Incredible Thursday Photo Marathon

Alright, we heard you. When you said you wanted HIGH QUALITY photos from the convention, we heard you - and that's why this year we've sent the utterly brilliant Megan Byrd across to San...

Studio Coffee Run: Mo’ Hobbits, Mo’ problems, Elysium, Kickass 2, Spiderman 2, etc.

Here is a new pic of a very armed and very bald Matt Damon in a teaser image from Neil Blomkamp's Elysium. The film is set for release in August, 2013 (via Firstshowing.net) Mo' Hobbits,...

SDCC12: Watchtower Friday

Lotsa headlines from Google's finest news sources!

Studio Coffee Run 5/25/12: Kickass 2 news, Mythomania Season 2 gets a Kickstarter, Game...

Some holiday weekend tidbits, including Game of Thrones, Derek Kirk Kim's Mythomania looks to Kickstarter to fund it's 2nd season, a first look at The Walking Dead's Michonne, along with a whole lotta Kickass 2 news.