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Tag: Phil Hester

family tree interview

Matt Chats: Phil Hester discusses FAMILY TREE, working with an inker, and returning to...

Phil Hester explains why the modern comics assembly line sees new artists inking their own work and what he enjoys about working with Jeff Lemire.
writing for your artist umami

Making Comics: How writers can foster stronger and healthier relationships with artists

A guide of sorts, aided by input from 5 industry professionals, about what it means to "write for your artist" and how to a better collaborator.

Phil Hester and Ryan Kelly announce dark cosmic romance comic, STRONGHOLD

The first issue of the new title is due out from AfterShock Comics this February, right in time for Valentine’s Day.

Matt Chats: Phil Hester Discusses Writing, Drawing, But Not Writing AND Drawing

Phil Hester has been one of my favorite artists for a long time, with a style that feels suited for any kind of story, from the silliness of Irredeemable Ant-Man all the way to...

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Old man Bruce gets new roomates in BATMAN BEYOND #14

In the wake of Batman Beyond's previous arc, Bruce's old traumatic spinal injury has come back to haunt him. As the elder Batman recovers, the new generation of Bat, Terry McGinnis, decides to move into...

DC REBORN ROUND-UP: BATMAN #23 is the best Bat-comic in years

Kyle reviews a must-read issue of the Caped Crusader

ECCC: Image announces everything from Mage: The Hero Denied to Shirtless Bear-Fighter

With this year's Image Expo taken off the schedule due to Image's move to Portland, the ECCC Image Panel was the scene of many announcements, including the concluding chapter of Matt Wagner's 30+ years...

Cover Reveal: Blood Blister #1 by Mike Huddleston – “Better Call Saul meets...

Here's our weekly cover reveal from AfterShock: The 1:10 variant for Blood Blister #1 by Mike Huddleston. AfterShock is calling the book  "Better Call Saul  meets the Exorcist  meets something brand-new." The series is...

Exclusive: Shipwreck #4 cover reveal and some more AfterShock news

  Shipwreck by Warren Ellis and Phil Hester, is one of the best reviewed titles from AfterShock, a weird jystery story as only Ellis can tell it. And here's an exclusive look at the cover to...

It can suck to be a middle aged comics pro case study #1: Phil...

Phil Hester is the artist on Shipwreck, the upcoming book written by Warren Ellis about a very strange shipwreck, so he seems to be doing jsut fine in the comics world, especially with a...

Warren Ellis and Phil Hester explore a strange ‘Shipwreck’ for AfterShock

  All we know about Shipwreck, the new AfterShock book from Warren Ellis and Phil Hester is that is concerns "a very unusual and very secret shipwreck. Which, given the work of Warren Ellis is enough...