An SUV crashed through the front of the comics store The DeeP Comics & Games in HUntsville, AL. The driver suffered a seizure behind the wheel and lost control of the vehicle. The driver was injured but luckily no one was hurt inside the store.

The store’s surveillance cameras caught the crash from multiple angles and, I must say….it is quite spectacular. The high rate of speed for the car is incredible considering that it had already travelled “through an Office Depot Parking lot, across another road, through a vacant parking lot, then a fence, then into The DeeP.”

Best wishes to the driver for a speedy recovery, and to The DeeP for a quick insurance settlement.


  1. That looks like a really nice store. Hopefully, the owner is a new comics seller and doesn’t have too many oldies that might have been damaged.

  2. Wow! I lived in Huntsville for years, but that store didn’t exist when I was there (in the late ’80s and early ’90s).

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