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Tag: Tony Stark

Tony Stark and Emma Frost are getting married in September

Can an Iron Man and a White Queen make a marriage work?
I am Iron Man

Tony Stark’s greatest battles explored in new I AM IRON MAN series

Murewa Ayodele and Dotun Akande team up on I AM IRON MAN, a new series launching in March

RECAP: WHAT IF…? S1E6 — “What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?”

"Heroes are never really gone. They live forever as do the ones they inspire to carry on the fight."
I Love You 3000

Funko recreates tear-jerking “I Love You 3000” moment from ENDGAME

Available online this Black Friday

The Marvel Retro Rundown: Tony Stark goes digital with IRON MAN: CRASH, the first...

We look back at Mike Saenz's vision of Iron Man in the future.

INTERVIEW: Neil deGrasse Tyson on which superheroes would watch COSMOS: POSSIBLE WORLDS

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses the new season of Cosmos.

Rent Tony Stark’s Avengers: Endgame Cabin on AirBNB for a Modest $800 Per Night

Stay in the same lakeside cabin as Tony and his family.

Who will die first: Tony or Cap?

Is it April 27 yet?

Bendis and Marquez map a Flight Plan for the Invincible Iron Man

Marvel went to USA Today this morning to break the news that author Brian Michael Bendis is switching from X-Men to the new Invincible Iron Man title. David Marquez of Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man is joining...

On the Scene: Pros Wrestle with Tony Stark’s Appeal in ‘Iron Man at 50’...

The fact that both the Iron Man character and the Avengers team has reached their 50th anniversary since creation hasn’t received a lot of attention in the press, and this could be because the...

INTERVIEW: Marie Javins on Super-Geekdom and Compassion in IRON MAN: EXTREMIS

Reading Marie Javins new IRON MAN: EXTREMIS prose novel, released April 16th, on my iPad, gave me an eerie moment of realizing how much had changed in the technological surface of our lives since...