Tag: teen titans
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 2/9/18: Japanese Olympic skaters perform to Yuri on Ice!!
§ The 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang are juts getting under way and the greatest moment for some already took place. During the short program in the pairs team competition, the Japanese pairs team...
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Comics legend Marv Wolfman returns to TEEN TITANS #16
In 1980, Marv Wolfman and George Perez began an epic run on The New Teen Titans, establishing the team as we (mostly) know them today. Their roster, featuring Starfire, Robin, Raven, and Beast Boy among...
DC REBORN ROUND-UP: Navigating the “fifth week” with WONDER WOMAN and TRINITY annuals
Kyle digs into this week's oversized offerings for both Wonder Woman and Trinity
DC REBORN ROUND-UP: BATMAN #23 is the best Bat-comic in years
Kyle reviews a must-read issue of the Caped Crusader
DC REBORN ROUND-UP: Restoration is the word of the day with ACTION COMICS #976...
In June 2016, DC Comics kicked off the start of its Rebirth initiative. After a wave of criticism surrounding the way they have treated their characters’ rich histories since 2011’s New 52 relaunch, DC...
DC REBORN ROUND-UP: Between the Light and the Dark in SUPERGIRL: BEING SUPER #1...
Kyle Pinion and Alex Lu look at Supergirl's new origin and dive deeper into Mother Panic's psyche. Also featuring thoughts on Blue Beetle, All-Star Batman, and Teen Titans!
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Damian Stands at a Crossroads in TEEN TITANS #2
"It's merely another day. I'm not a man."
NYCC ’16: Ben Percy comments on TEEN TITANS’ artist Jonboy Meyers’ depature UPDATED
Yesterday, Teen Titans artist Jonboy Meyers announced that he was leaving the title due to "creative differences." Today, The Beat caught up with series writer Ben Percy, who confirmed the departure. Percy said "I...
Jonboy Meyers exits TEEN TITANS due to “creative differences”
Rebirth sees an unexpected exit
DC REBORN ROUND-UP: Peer into the future of the DCU with BATMAN BEYOND: REBIRTH...
Alex Lu and Kyle Pinion examine this week's DC Rebirth books and the continuation of "Night of the Monster Men."
DC Reborn Review– What We Think of TITANS: REBIRTH #1 May Surprise You…
Alex Lu and Kyle Pinion dive into this strange and continuity heavy book with surprising results!
New teams for Teen Titans, Aquaman and New Suicide Squad announced
Well, the DC solicits don't go live for another hour or so, but DC is giving us a sneak peek at some of the new teams...mostly veteran creators, with new teams for NEW SUICIDE...