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Tag: romance comics

cropped covers of manga featured in article

The Beat’s 2025 Valentine’s Manga Extravaganza

In The Beat's 2025 Valentine's Manga Extravaganza The Beat contributors recommend 16 of their favorite manga all about love
jack kirby gargantus

Happy birthday, Jack Kirby

A birthday tribute to Jack Kirby, co-creator of the Marvel Universe, and his monster art
What I Was Made For interior art (cropped)

Exclusive Preview: Shammas & Stone’s sensual symbiosis story from Rebellion’s ROXY romance anthology

Rebellion's ROXY romance anthology features four stories from today's top creators, including Nadia Shammas and Jaws Stone.
When Fate Finds Us Review Cover Image

MANHWA REVIEW: The Divine and The Worldly Join Hands in WHEN FATE FINDS US

Manta's When Fate Finds Us invites readers to tag along with two protagonists in a faraway land as they take their first steps on their fated journey.
The Bromance Book Club novel and webtoon

Manta announces webtoon adaptation of THE BROMANCE BOOK CLUB romance novel

Manta Comics has announced the debut of a new romantic comedy webcomics series based on The Bromance Book Club, a bestselling romance prose novel series by Lyssa Kay Adams about a group of Nashville...

Rebellion’s A VERY BRITISH AFFAIR to shed light on a forgotten era of romance...

One for the vintage history and romance buffs! Eisner-nominated artist and comics historian David Roach will explore a forgotten era of British romance comics through this curated collection dropping January 2023


Plus, read a full classic holiday-themed story from the one-shot, which arrives in stores next week.
Virtually Yours

Matt Chats: Jeremy Holt and Elizabeth Beals on their modern-day rom-com VIRTUALLY YOURS

The co-creators discuss creating a rom-com set in the age of the internet and using that to the story's advantage.

INDIE VIEW: ‘Return to Romance’ is glorious melodrama

A collection of Ogden Whitney's mini-epics of love

A Year of Free Comics: Boy Meets Girl #25 featuring two Golden Age women...

I picked this romance comic this romance comic completely at random from the vast archives of public domain comics at ComicBookPlus, but I chose wisely because two of the three stories were drawn by women,...

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 2/14/17: Love Rides the Owlshoot

§ Happy Valentines day, all! To honor this day of love, flowers, candy and anxiety, here's the cover of the very first Rangeland Romances from June 1935. NO it isn't a comic, but it...

Emet Comics to take over Fresh Romance from Rosy Press; submissions open

  Rosy Press was an ambitious start up that promised romance comics for the new generation of comics readers, and mostly delivered with a lead title, Fresh Romance, that was nominated for several awards. Unfortunately, founder Janelle...