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Tag: Predator

By Its Cover #10: Fantastic Four #1 Released On This Day In 1961…AND Today!

PLUS: The best cover designs this week!

Dark Horse Announces New and Old Books For Predator Fans

After killing the likes of Carl Weathers, Gary Busey, and Larry Fishburne over the course of the franchise's film history, Predator will get a new comic book mini-series while also reprinting stories from the...

Review: Archie Gets to the Choppa in Archie vs. Predator #1

Comics most famous ginger takes on the Predator.

Archie Vs… Predator?

And you thought Archie Meets The Punisher was out there.  Never let it be said that the folks at Archie Comics were afraid of thinking outside the box.  This time around, they're huddling with Dark Horse...

SDCC ’14: Dark Horse’s ‘Aliens, Predator, Prometheus and Beyond’ Panel

By Kyle Pinion Dark Horse Editor in Chief Scott Allie has pulled together a wide array of young and up and coming talent for the upcoming four interlocking mini-series that revolve around the Aliens, Predator...

NYCC ’13: Dark Horse Announce Relaunch of the Alien/Predator/Prometheus Franchise

So there were a few announcements we missed out on covering over the weekend, because we were on-site and not at home, updating as things happened. I'll try to go through some of the...