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This podcast is spotlighting some of the greatest Comics Shops in America

Earlier this week, the 3rd season of Anthony Desiato's My Comic Shop History podcast began. In this series of podcasts, Desiato aims to explore the unique cultures that spring from prominent comics shops around...

Podcast: Two Women in a Hotel Room at TCAF Episode 4 – Final thoughts...

https://soundcloud.com/heidi-macdonald-3/two-women-in-a-hotel-room-at-tcaf-episode-4 Well, we've made if through TCAF and like the seasoned campaigners they are, Brigid Alverson and Erica Friedman decamped for home before dawn even broke, leaving Deb Aoki and Heidi MacDonald to eat the last...

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 4/19/17: People get excited about things on Twitter!

§ Nice art: People on my twitter feed were excited by this tweet! https://twitter.com/ErenUnten/status/854038476513173507 Heroic Rey and cheerin' Chewie! Who wouldn't like that? Artist Eren Unten has done quite a few modern Little Golden Books and she...

Wondercon’16: Chris Hardwick and Nerdist News Speak About Community and Nerdiness

By Nicholas Eskey If you label yourself a “nerd” and wear it with pride, undoubtedly you already follow Chris Hardwick’s Nerdist News. The quick witted comedian and mega-nerd took heads the podcast driven news network...

Podcorn Podcast 2/24/16- Make DC Comics Great Again!

Last week at ComicsPRO, DC Comics owned the limelight. The company released a bevy of new details about their Rebirth initiative. No, it's not a reboot.

The Beat Podcasts! More to Come: iTunes – The Graphic Novel

Recorded live in New York, it's More To Come, the weekly podcast of comics news, interviews and discussion with Calvin Reid, Kate Fitzsimons and The Beat’s own Heidi MacDonald! This week, the More to Come...

The Beat Podcasts! More To Come: 2014 in Comics

Brought to you by Publishers Weekly, it's More To Come, the weekly podcast of comics news, interviews and discussion with Calvin Reid, Kate Fitzsimons and The Beat’s own Heidi MacDonald! In this week's podcast...

Comic Book Podcasts for Every Kind of Listener

by Matt O'Keefe Podcasts have had a really interesting impact on the comic book scene, a great source of discussions different from every other media outlet. They’re relatively new media, and because of that aren’t overly regulated....

The Beat Podcasts! More To Come: Marvel at Walmart

Recorded at Publishers Weekly, it's More To Come, the weekly podcast of comics news, interviews and discussion with Calvin Reid, Kate Fitzsimons and The Beat’s own Heidi MacDonald. In this week's podcast the More to...

The Beat Podcasts! – Looking Back at Comic-Con 2014

Recorded at Publishers Weekly, it's More To Come, the weekly podcast of comics news, interviews and discussion with Calvin Reid, Kate Fitzsimons and The Beat’s own Heidi MacDonald. In this week's episode,  the More to...

The Beat Podcasts! – SDCC ’14 Day 5: Chuck Palahniuk

Live from San Diego Comic Con, it’s More To Come! Publishers Weekly’s podcast of comics news, interviews and discussion with Calvin Reid, Kate Fitzsimons and The Beat’s own Heidi MacDonald. In part five of More...

The Beat Podcasts! – SDCC ’14 Day 4: Geof Darrow and Kinokuniya

Live from San Diego Comic Con, it’s More To Come! Publishers Weekly’s podcast of comics news, interviews and discussion with Calvin Reid, Kate Fitzsimons and The Beat’s own Heidi MacDonald. In part four of More...