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Tag: p craig russell

Neil Gaiman's Murder Mysteries

Classic Comic Compendium: Neil Gaiman’s Murder Mysteries

'...a beauty of a story and an adaptation' featuring the artwork of P. Craig Russell.
2022 Will Eisner Hall of Fame

2022 Will Eisner Hall of Fame inductees announced

Include comic industry pioneers Max Gaines and Mark Gruenwald

2021 Will Eisner Hall of Fame inductees announced

Neil Gaiman and Grant Morrison are among this year's nominees
Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology

Neil Gaiman’s NORSE MYTHOLOGY II lands this June from Dark Horse

Odin and his pantheon resume their story under the brush and stylus of a fresh set of P. Craig Russell-led artists on June 16.

INTERVIEW: P. Craig Russell on adapting Neil Gaiman’s NORSE MYTHOLOGY for Dark Horse

Russell discusses how he approaches translating prose for comics, and what he thinks makes Neil Gaiman's work so adaptable.
Norse Mythology

Neil Gaiman’s NORSE MYTHOLOGY to receive adaptation at Dark Horse

Neil Gaiman's epic novel Norse Mythology is set to receive a comic adaptation from Dark Horse Comics, to be drawn by a whole swathe of artists including Mike Mignola, P. Craig Russell, and Jerry Ordway. This isn't the...

NYCC ’19: THE NEIL GAIMAN LIBRARY coming next year from Dark Horse

The deluxe hardcover will collect four complete Gaiman-written graphic novels by a line-up of all-star artists.

Interview: Creative team behind AMERICAN GODS on the final arc and adapting novels into...

AMERICAN GODS creative team on what their adaptation process looks like as they reach the series' final arc.

Dark Horse announces final AMERICAN GODS adaptation miniseries, THE MOMENT OF THE STORM

The miniseries will conclude the comic adaptation of Neil Gaiman's award-winning novel.

Dark Horse Announces New Collection of Neil Gaiman Short Story Adaptations

THE PROBLEM OF SUSAN AND OTHER STORIES will feature work by P. Craig Russell, Scott Hampton, and Paul Chadwick.

American Gods #1 – 12 Page Preview

Back in 2001, Neil Gaiman wrote a book called American Gods.  It won some awards, inspired a sequel called Anansi Boys, a TV adaption will be coming out soon... oh, yes.  They're also doing a comic...

Exclusive: American Gods #1 Jetpack/Forbidden Planet sketch variant by Glenn Fabry

Next month see the debut of the comics adaptation of Neil Gaiman's American Gods: Shadows from Dark Horse, and yes there will be variants. P. Craig Russell is adapting the novel with Scott Hampton doing interiors and Glenn Fabry the regular cover artist.