Tag: Mini Comics
Small Press Spotlight: THE MUNDANE ADVENTURES OF DISHMAN limited edition collection is coming in...
Fans of the ‘80s mini-comic now have the most complete collection to date
INDIE VIEW: Making new lives in ‘Walking Uphill’ and ‘Rose’
Rose: A Double Life
Written by Denis Lapière and Émilie Alibert
Illustrated by Valérie Vernay
Translated by Lara Vergnaud
Europe Comics
The first of a trilogy of books, Rose: A Double Life finds the titular character facing...
Review – The Pain of Loss in Niv Sekar’s Your Mother’s Fox
Review - The Pain of Loss in Niv Sekar's Your Mother's Fox
INTERVIEW: Jordan Clark on Writing ‘The Black Experience’ and This American Moment
Writer Jordan Clark talks about creating his mini-comic about the Black experience in America with artist Ahmara Smith, what it means to be an ally, and how we can do a better job of meeting the moment.
A Year of Free Comics: Lee Lai’s lovely advice
At TCAF, in the Wowee Zonk room (I think) I ran into a new cartoonist whose work I had never seen but I was immediately struck by its beauty: supple figures in a lyrical ink line...
A Year of Free Comics: Travelogue by Aatmaja Pandya is a perfect fantasy comic
It's the Adventure Time era of indie comics, as quirkily drawn fantasies about cute folks having cute adventures dot the comics landscape. But then there's Travelogue by Aatmaja Pandya, the kind of sweet, breathless,...
The History of Zines: Poopsheet Foundation is now online
Oh yeah, speaking of zines (look it up kids) something called The Poopsheet Foundation is now online, and it's one of those 90s things that was what passed for social media back in the...
CAB Fantagraphics debuts: Schrauwen, Horrocks, Rickheit, Knisly, Romberger and van Cook, ZAP….oh yeah
And that just about wraps it up here! With new books by Horrocks, Rickheit, Schrauwen, Knisley, James Romberger and Marguerite van Cook, and a little item called The Complete ZAP! I think Fanta is...
Julia Wertz to debut new mini at SPX
ollowing the hilarity of Fart Party and the hilarity tinged with self-examination of Drinking at the Movies and The Infinite Wait, cartoonist Julia Wertz proved herself one of the sharpest observers out there. However she's been in hiatus from making new comics for the last two years, while getting a new reputation as an urban explorer. (If you want creepy, follow Wertz on Instagram.)
The Amazing Cynicalman Vol. II is coming from Matt Feazell
Mini-comics and stick-figure philosophy pioneer Matt Feazall has been turning out his delightful mini-comics since the 80s. Now he had an Indiegogo campaign going for The Amazing Cynicalman Vol. 2, a collection of his weekly strips from 2002 on.
INTERVIEW: Box Brown Announces New DIstribution Deal for Retrofit Comics
Box Brown ("Belen!", "Love is a Peculiar Kind of Thing") is a fixture at indie comics shows, tirelessly producing his own bold and appealing short comics on a regular basis, but also, in 2011,...
MoCCA Debuts 2013: Modan, Boulet, Hernandez (x2), Tamaki and MORE
New books that are out just in time for MoCCA, which will be held at the Lexington Armory this weekend. This is what folks emailed us, and if the past is any indicator about five seconds after this post goes up a million voices will cry out in terror at not having emailed me, so expect a part two later today!