Tag: matt wilson
Louise Simonson and June Brigman reunite for POWER PACK 40th anniversary miniseries
The Power siblings are back in this 5-issue miniseries set during their early adventures
The Marvel Rundown: It’s another Mutant Massacre in X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA and INVINCIBLE IRON...
The Mutants of Krakoa and.... Iron Man (?) face the Fall of X, in reviews of this week's new Marvel Comics releases!
Wagner and Dabbs spin a revenge tale of glitz and glam in KLIK KLIK...
Described as neon cyberpunk and crime noir
Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done? and Something is Killing the Children led the charge at this year's 2022 Ringo Awards
Orlando & Pichelli to launch a new SCARLET WITCH ongoing series
Wanda Maximoff's adventures kick off in January of next year.
SDCC ’22: IMAGE COMICS planned signings, panels, merch and more
Image Comics has announces panels and signings schedule plus con exclusive goodies
Jason Aaron and Mahmud Asrar return to Hyboria for KING CONAN miniseries
By Crom! Arrives in stores this December!
ORDINARY GODS from Kyle Higgins and Felipe Watanabe are coming from Image this July
The deific extra-length debut issue launches July 7
The Marvel Retro Rundown: Langridge and Samnee’s THOR: THE MIGHTY AVENGER proves worthy ten...
Is the all-ages version of the Norse God still worthy a decade later? You bet your double rainbow he is!
INTERVIEW: Scott Snyder and Charles Soule talk the success of UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY
It's been a busy year for Scott Snyder and Charles Soule. Between the two of them headlining the Justice League and Star Wars franchises respectively, they managed to find the time to collaborate on a new creator-owned book, Undiscovered Country from Image Comics,...
GIANT-SIZE X-MEN and X-MEN/FANTASTIC FOUR join Marvel’s already-full X-lineup
GIANT-SIZE X-MEN will feature solo and team-up stories, while X-MEN/FF will follow-up on threads from HOUSE OF X.
McKelvie & Wilson reunite for THE KILLING HORIZON
Artist Jamie McKelvie has announced his next book, The Killing Horizon from Image Comics. He'll be collaborating with his The Wicked + The Divine colourist Matt Wilson, as well as letterer Aditya Bidikar, designer Cecil Richard, and editor Katie West.
McKelvie spoke to i09 about...