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Tag: lupita n’yongo

Little Monsters

REVIEW: LITTLE MONSTERS is a zombie movie with a beating heart

LITTLE MONSTERS is a very sweet horror film with a lot of heart...and guts and blood.

Lupita Nyong’o leads a school trip during the zombie apocalypse in new trailer for...

Little Monsters takes every teacher's worst nightmare and makes it even scarier.
Catwoman casting

THE BEAT PICKS: 5 actors who should play Catwoman in THE BATMAN

Matt Reeves' reboot is in pre-production with Robert Pattinson as The Batman.

These Black Panther character posters will make you wish it was February

https://twitter.com/chadwickboseman/status/928668749414232064 The cast of Black Panther tweeted out a series of character posters today and they are...stunning. So many people are so excited for this movie...Ryan Coogler looks to have made a very different kind...