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INTERVIEW: Benjamin Percy sinks his claws into WOLVERINE & X-FORCE

The writer discusses his unique role on Marvel's X-team, and his "spiritual connection" to Wolverine.

The Marvel Rundown: OLD MAN LOGAN #31 is a Grim, Gritty Triumph

Everything old is Marvel again this week as Old Man Logan makes his Marvel Legacy debut! Old Man Logan #31 Written by Ed Brisson Illustrated by Mike Deodato Colored by Frank Martin Lettered by VC's Cory Petit Reviewed by AJ Frost “This would...

The Marvel Rundown: Aaron and Dauterman’s Legendary Thor Run Celebrates a Milestone!

Welcome back to The Marvel Rundown. This week Marvel Legacy is in full force as the publisher is resetting several of their titles back to their original numbering–this gives The Mighty Thor an excuse to hit...

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 3/15/17: Please muzzle Finn Jones

§ Nice Art: Francesco Francavilla gave us the Thing vs Thing team-up we've all dreamed of on Twitter. § Nice art supplemental! Takashi Miike has made a movie based on the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and it...

Marvel previews X-Men Gold Team and a new book with Archangel and Old Man...

Will the X-men ever come back from their exile in "licensed by Fox-land," a purgatory of lessened emphasis, diminish licensing deals and general side-eye?  Who knows, but they are hanging in there with a...

A Year of Free Comics: Three Classic Mutant Tales by Claremont, Lee and Morrison

With Logan ruling the box office, take a look back at three of the all time classic X-Men comics, all available for free on ComiXology.

The DEADPOOL 2 teaser is here and ready for your eyeholes

Released this morning after debuting on screens showing Logan this weekend, you can now get another dose of Ryan Reynolds in all his Deadpool glory. This is basically a way to poke fun at Superman,...

Unassuming Barber Shop: Logan and The Claws of the Wolverine

You could make the argument that Wolverine is no longer the most ubiquitous Marvel character – Cap, Iron Man, Spidey, Deadpool? – but you would still have to defend it. When he fully debuted...

Review: X-Men films finally achieve cinematic glory with LOGAN

Our review of the newest Wolverine solo feature finds that it's finally the film the character deserves

All those exciting Super Bowl trailers: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Stranger Things...

Just as a tortilla chip is a transport vehicle for tasty, sizzlin' salsa, the Super Bowl is a container for movie trailers and advertisements. It happened to be a very exciting football game, if...

The final LOGAN trailer shifts focus over to its mysterious new addition

  We're less than 2 months away from the release of Logan, the first big superhero film of 2017, the return of James Mangold to the X-Men franchise, and what is likely the final appearance...

The LOGAN trailer takes us into Wolverine’s future

The first trailer for the latest (and possibly last?) Wolverine solo adventure is here