FCBD 2017: Hi De Ho Comic Con comes to Santa Monica
The Los Angeles area has become a mini Free Comic Book Day mecca. What started with readers only visiting their local shops has now evolved into a full day's worth of activities for those...
Zdarsky and Kubert to bring The Spectacular Spider-Man “back to basics”
Comics all-stars Chip Zdarsky and Adam Kubert are teaming to bring Peter Parker "back to basics" in a new #1 coming in June. As a companion to the regular Spider-Man book, it will spotlight Peter...
DC announces Free Comic Book Day offerings
DC's Free Comic Book Day books have just been annoucned and they are pretty crafty: DC SUper HEro Girls and Suicide Squad. The former hits the target demo that DC is seeking to build...
Titan announces 2016 FCBD line-up
Titan Comics announced today that they'll be offering two FCBD options from popular titles Assassin's Creed and Doctor Who. Read on for the creative teams behind the upcoming stories and preview their cover art.
Read all of Top Cow’s Tales of Honor: Bred to Kill #1 right here...
It's Free Comic Book Day worldwide, and even if you can't get to a shop, here's one free comic you can read right now, Top Cow's Free Comic Book Day book Tales of Honor:...
24 Hours of International Comics: Germany
Guten Tag!
Germany... it's a bit of a conundrum in Continental comics.
Smack dab in the middle of Europe, it gets a lot of comics imported from other countries, mostly from neighboring Belgium and France. It...
The Free Comic Book Day Silver Titles are Pretty Awesome
By: Alexander Jones
After revealing the first wave of Free Comic Book Day titles, it was only a matter of time before the rest of them started to pop up. This next batch is very...
Diamond: 4.65 million comics ordered for Free Comic Book Day 2014
This year's Diamond Retailer Summit just wrapped up in Vegas and although we couldn't be there, retailers have been socialing pictures and what not and I'll have a round up on the news in...
Escape Pod Comics celebrates FCBD this SUNDAY with Gownley, Reeder, Montclare
Escape Pod Comics in Huntington Long Island is closed on Sturday6s, so you'll get a second bite at the FCBD apple on Sunday at their store. And the first 10 people to buy a...
In India they are celebrating Free Comic Book Weekend with free downloads
I thought this announcement of global comic book love was worth it's very own post. This is the second time this event has been held, sponsored by the Comic Con India. And instead of...
Free Comic Book Day Events From Coast to Coast
Please note this is not a comprehensive listing of Free Comic Book Events --it's just info that people sent me. To find an event near you, go here. But it is indicative of some of the amazing things happening tomorrow, from an Eastman/Laird joint appearance to just about every other creator under the sun. It won't be boring. And the comics are awesome.
PLEASE check out this massive Free Comic Book Day Directory
It's the biggest comics book day of the year. Wondering where to go for Free Comic Book Day? Wonder no more!
Trevor at How to Love Comics has done all the hard work and put together a Free Comic Book Day Directory with over 250 entries. Will someone buy him a big steak dinner? Or give him some comic books? He deserves it.