Tag: Dark Horse
A month of Previews: Usagi Yojimbo #133
While in other places the indie periodical comic has languished, Stan Sakai and Usagi Yojimbo do not question, they just do. After five publishers and 26 years, this story of a wandering rabbit samurai in Edo period Japan has become one of the longest-running and best loved independent comics of all time. With a loyal home at Dark Horse since 1996 and 24 collections published, the Usagi saga has become a continuing epic of heroism, betrayal and romance, with a large cast of characters who weave in and out of Usagi's life. It's comics world building at its purest, and all-ages in the best way.
A new issue is out this month that serves as a jumping on point (although truthfully, Sakai is such a strong storyteller that you can always catch up just by jumping on -- check out how the first page of the preview sets up the situation so you can just keep on going.)
Coming Soon: Motel Art Improvement Service
Jason Little's second Bee book is coming soon from Dark Horse. Want!
Nice Art: The Beasts of Burden/Hellboy One Shot
In the spirit of the season, Evan Dorkin, Jill Thompson, and Mike Mignola provide an Eisner-heavy creative lineup for the Beasts of Burden/Hellboy One Shot which is on sale THIS WEEK and there's even a preview.
New Hellboy by Mike Mignola
And speaking of Hellboy, the new Mike Mignola strip in USA Today has just started. Nothing beats the original.
Dark Horse announces $1.49 comics via new app
At yesterday's Dark Horse panel, more details of their digital initiative were announced. It will be proprietary, available on every web browser, and sold for iPad and iTunes. (However, Apple only accepts prices that end in .99 -- one of the controlling things that folks were complaining about on Thursday --- so it's not entirely clear how that will work. There will be 170 titles available at first, with some titles available day and date.
Dark Horse offers in-store digital downloads
Announced only via tweet from retailer Chris Butcher at this morning's Diamond retailer's breakfast. Dark Horse is announcing exclusive in-store downloads for those buying their digital comics, which will be priced at $1.49, according to Milton Griepp yesterday.
NYCC 10: Dark Horse #2023
Dark Horse has a battalion of signings and creators and two exclusives: a limited edition Hawaiian Print Domo and a limited printing Xerxes Lithograph! Get 'em while you can!
NYCC 10 Party Poop — Thursday and Friday — UPDATED
Wow, this is going to be a VERY crowded schedule! There are a ton of things to do throughout New York Comic-Con and no matter what you choose, you're sure to get a little cultural edification, whether it's comics of Kirby Krackle. There are so many events and parties we had to slit this into two. We'll have Saturday's line-up later on.