The Superman titles, both Superman proper and Action Comics have been among the highlights of DC’s Rebirth line-up, and throughout both, there’s been an undercurrent of mystery surrounding this older version of the Man of Steel, a mysterious de-powered Clark Kent, and the enigmatic Mr. Oz (the latter being a plot-thread that stretches back to the Geoff Johns-John Romita Jr. “Men of Tomorrow” storyline).
This coming March, all stands to be revealed as Superman and Action Comics will crossover for the first time since relaunching as a part of the “Superman Reborn” event. Today, The Beat has the exclusive on next Monday’s solicits and covers for this major game changer for the Superfamily.
Written by PETER J. TOMASI and PATRICK GLEASON—Art and cover by PATRICK GLEASON and MICK GRAY —Variant cover by GARY FRANK
“SUPERMAN REBORN” part one! In DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, the enigmatic Mr. Oz told this Superman, “You and your family are not what you believe you are. And neither was the fallen Superman.” Now, in the first Rebirth crossover between SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS, the shocking truth behind Oz’s words is revealed. It begins with one of Oz’s prisoners escaping, and ends in a tragic moment for Lois and Superman.
* The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and the variant covers by Gary Frank for SUPERMAN #18-19 and ACTION COMICS #975-976 will connect to form a single vertical image.
On sale MARCH 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
Written by DAN JURGENS—Backup story written by PAUL DINI—Art by DOUG MAHNKE and JAIME MENDOZA—Backup story art by IAN CHURCHILL—Cover by PATRICK GLEASON and MICK GRAY—Variant cover by GARY FRANK
“SUPERMAN REBORN” part two! Celebrating our 975th issue with a supersize special as another layer of the Superman/Clark Kent mystery is exposed! And in a backup story written by Paul Dini with art by Ian Churchill, learn what it all means for the Son of Superman, who is the prize in a deadly game!
* The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and the variant covers by Gary Frank for SUPERMAN #18-19 and ACTION COMICS #975-976 will connect to form a single vertical image.
#975 on sale MARCH 8 • 48 pg, FC, $3.99 • RATED T
Written by PETER J. TOMASI and PATRICK GLEASON Art and cover by PATRICK GLEASON and MICK GRAY—Variant cover by GARY FRANK
“SUPERMAN REBORN” part three! In the penultimate chapter of this tale the life of Superman’s son hangs in the balance—and the Man of Steel faces the truth about his life!
* The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and the variant covers by Gary Frank for SUPERMAN #18-19 and ACTION COMICS #975-976 will connect to form a single vertical image.
On sale MARCH 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
“SUPERMAN REBORN” finale! As this epic tale wraps up, Superman’s life is drastically changed…and that’s all we are saying for now—except that you won’t want to miss it!
* The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and the variant covers by Gary Frank for SUPERMAN #18-19 and ACTION COMICS #975-976 will connect to form a single vertical image.
On sale MARCH 22 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
I don’t have a huge opinion on this other than that that child better be safe and the marriage better still be intact when this is over. Those are really the only two dealbreakers here and I’m cool with whatever other weird stuff they do so long as those two things make it out the end.
I’m with Mary.
Make that three of us. When they nuked the marriage for Nu52, I dropped the Superman titles for the first time in almost 40 years. I picked up Lois and Clark and then the regular series after Rebirth, and I would hate to have to drop them again. I really really like this version.
The last cover I assume is supposed to be a nod to Superman Red and Superman Blue?
You know his son will be okay because he is supposed to star in a series right? With Robin?
Don’t get me wrong, i love the Lois/Clark couple but i believe that Diana/Clark couple was an amazing ine too, i was hoping they explore more about them
Well, my friend was right with the Red/Blue Superman…
Is the final appearance of N52 Superman.. But fortunately, they will not do the same as Rucka with all Wonderwoman N52 things(all fake) creating more hate for those who appreciate that ..
Legend of Wonder Woman on the list? LOL
I suspect they will not do away with the marriage, as I suspect that was the whole point of all of this. What may happen is somehow this all ends up with the older Superman getting to be Clark Kent again. Also, for a brief second I thought maybe new52 Superman was Jon all grown up but that doesn’t really make sense.
this crossover is going to be really interesting to read
I prefer superman and wonderwoman, 52 superman was not defined by lois since his humanity came from Jonathan and martha kent including friends lana lang and pete ross, I think its ridiculous to say superman needs lois for humanity.
I was never one who was bothered by the trunks but that new suit is an improvement over the inelegant New52 version.
To a large extent IMO Superman with Wonder Woman is a fan-fiction pairing or the desire to see two hot celebrities get together. I’m fine with them being friends with a deep bond or having dated in the past and I can even get with them hooking up in a far future scenario like Kingdom Come as old friends who have lived and lost that decide to live out their days with each other.
But as a standard, it’s a little discriminatory in the sense that Superman should only be with someone else who is super-powered? Like he could never be in love with a mortal woman no matter how awesome a person she was?
IMO Lois and Clark is a better love story and a coupling much more organic to Superman’s own story. Likewise Wonder Woman has a Lois in Steve Trevor (and I think it still works even if she’s bi-sexual and has relationships with women before since in my view the Amazons would have a more evolved idea about love in general) ..but I’ll also be the first to admit that sadly Steve has rarely been written very well whereas Lois has gotten to shine at least in some eras because she has developed a lot over the years in comics and various media so I’d really like to see someone at least make a genuine try with Steve Trevor.
@daiyongo, lois is a character who is a damsel in distress where superman has to rescue her everytime also in the relationship she is a user, u can’t claim she is like iris girlfriend of flash, she is behind the scenes helping the flash while lois just screams help superman also iris is not rescued all the time like lois, also there is nothing wrong superman hooking with someone superpowered since they’re power couples like cyclops and jean in x men.
There are version of Lois where she is VERY much a partner and not a “user”, Also the level to which she is a damsel in distress gets really overblown by people who either know next to nothing about the character or use it as a crutch to defend whatever pairing they’d rather see.
@daiyongo Each version of lois is a damsel in distress in the superman animation series it is confirmed superman always saves her also in batman vs superman movie fans and critics agree she got saved many times which was annoying, also superman and wonderwoman already hooked up in animation movies and comics, its not a fan fiction.
I’m saying the idea IMO is a fan-fiction type of idea. Not that it’s never happened in any media.
What’s annoying is how willfully ignorant your assessment of Lois is. There’s a lot more going on with her character that you’re just dismissing because she gets rescued. Her not having super-powers or not being superhero or warrior doesn’t mean she’s worthless as a character or a human being let alone as a love interest for Superman. Not to mention that she’s an awesome mom to their son Jon.
I hope they bring back the new 52 Superman and continue to explore his relationship wonder woman that was the better couple. There is nothing wrong with having both super men in the DC world.
I hope they bring back the new 52 Superman and continue to explore his relationship with wonder woman that was the better couple there was some much potential give them a great writer like Charles soule . There is nothing wrong with having both super men in the DC world.
@daiyongo, I gave a earlier response to u about iris the girlfriend of flash who I said she is not rescued like lois, she has no powers and she is not a warrior but a great partner behind the scenes characters like her are not damsel in distress.
Wait so is the new 52 version of superman coming back? I really hope so I like that version better then this new(old) version
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