Hitting shelves on November 2nd, the newest issue of the Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, and Matt Wilson created “mythological figures as pop stars” series, The Wicked + The Divine, will be taking a turn for the metafictional as they’ve enlisted Kevin Wada for interior work for the upcoming Issue #23.
Wada, whose background is in fashion design, has come together with the team to create an issue that is presented as a copy of the fictional “Pantheon Monthly” magazine, and will feature interviews with the Pantheon of Gods that make up the series’ cast.
According to io9, Wada will provide splash pages for each interview featured in the issue, while McKelvie and Wilson will handle art duties on all the in-universe advertisements that appear in-between.
Though equally exciting is that Gillen also got in touch with real-world journalists and critics (Leigh Alexander, Laurie Penny, and others) to “interview” his cast, which he described thusly to the outlet:
“We realized [just writing the interviews] was far too simple, and [we wanted] to make it harder for ourselves,” Gillen continued. “So we hit up some of our talented acclaimed critic friends and asked if they’d be willing to write the articles in their own voices. To get the material we set up a chat room, and I live role-played each god through the interview, which they transform into the article.”
Check out the following preview of the forthcoming issue below: