Back in 2006, writer Greg Pak embarked on his epic Planet Hulk storyline that not only spawned an animated direct-to-video movie but inspired many story elements for Thor: Ragnarok. Today Marvel announced that this November Pak is returning to where it all started on planet Sakaar for Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker, a five-issue miniseries set a thousand years in the future. Joining Pak is artist Manuel Garcia fresh off drawing the Devil’s Reign series as well as inker Cam Smith and colorist Chris Sotomayor.
Check out the official press release below as well as the cover drawn by original Planet Hulk artist Carlo Pagulayan.
In 2006, writer Greg Pak along with artists Carlo Pagulayan and Aaron Lopresti crafted PLANET HULK, one of the most iconic stories to ever grace the pages of Incredible Hulk, and this November, Pak will return to this storyline in PLANET HULK: WORLDBREAKER! This five-issue limited series will take place a thousand years into the future and present a shocking expansion and culmination of the mythos of Sakaar. Pak will be joined by visionary Devil’s Reign artist Manuel Garcia.
Considered a modern Marvel masterpiece, PLANET HULK told the rousing story of Hulk’s time on the alien planet Sakaar after being exiled from Earth by the Illuminati. The epic story arc had a defining impact on Hulk that’s still felt today and went on to inspire spinoffs and media adaptations. Now, the saga continues…
A thousand years from now on the planet Sakaar, a young woman with green skin searches for the legendary Green Scar to help save her brother from a group of apocalyptic cultists. But which Hulk will she find? And after all these years, is he truly the Sakaarson, who will save us all — or the Worldbreaker, who will destroy us?
“Working on Planet Hulk remains one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had in storytelling,” Pak said. “So it was a huge thrill to get the call from editor Mark Paniccia inviting me to dive back in. What makes this story feel so special is that we’re going back to Sakaar a thousand years in the future. That’s opened up doors to do some spectacular worldbuilding with mindblowing art from Manuel Garcia, Cam Smith, and Chris Sotomayor. And we’re exploring big emotional stories that pay off the huge themes of the Hulk and the Green Scar that I’ve built over many years through all my Hulk stories. In a time of change and crisis, what do we do with the power we have, and how do we handle the terrifying repercussions? A thousand years from now, who knows where those questions will take us?”
Look for Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker to arrive in stores on Wednesday November 30, 2022.