A new superhero is set to rise next year. Radiant Black, a new ongoing series from Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil, will debut from Image Comics in February. The series, described as “Power Rangers meets Invincible” by the publisher, follows a young millennial who is granted cosmic powers.
Here’s how Image describes Radiant Black:
Radiant Black #1 introduces Nathan Burnett who has just turned thirty. Things aren’t great: He’s working (and failing) at two jobs, his credit card debt is piling up, and his only move… is moving back home with his parents.
But when Nathan discovers and unlocks the ethereal, cosmic RADIANT, he’s given the power to radically change his fortunes!
There’s just one problem: The powers don’t belong to him. And the COSMIC BEINGS who created them want them back… by any means necessary.
Radiant Black marks the return to Image for both Higgins and Costa. The former previously wrote the eleven-issue series C.O.W.L. for the publisher with artist Rod Reis, while Costa worked on Self/Made with writer Mat Groom and fellow artist Eduardo Ferigato.
In a statement announcing the series, Higgins described Radiant Black as his tribute to his favorite superhero comics:
“This is the comic book I’ve been waiting my whole life to make—being able to build this with Marcelo Costa, Becca Carey and Michael Busuttil is a dream come true,” said Higgins. “Radiant Black is both a love letter to the super hero stories I love as well as a statement on what I think super heroes can be for a whole new generation.”
Along with the announcement, Image has released a set of preview pages for the first issue, which feature the series’ lead character, Nathan, encountering the Radiant after a night out with a friend.
As someone who grew up with Kyle Rayner as his Green Lantern, this series sounds right up my alley, and Costa’s artwork looks fantastic. You can check out the preview, along with the full text of the announcement and a set of covers by Costa, Michael Cho, Ferigato & Costa, and David Finch, Jimmy Reyes, & Costa, below. Look for Radiant Black to arrive in stores in February 2021.
PORTLAND, Ore. 11/20/2020 — Bestselling writer Kyle Higgins (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Ultraman, C.O.W.L.) and superstar artist Marcelo Costa team up for Radiant Black. This all new, ongoing superhero series is set to launch from Image Comics in February 2021.
“This is the comic book I’ve been waiting my whole life to make—being able to build this with Marcelo Costa, Becca Carey and Michael Busuttil is a dream come true,” said Higgins. “Radiant Black is both a love letter to the super hero stories I love as well as a statement on what I think super heroes can be for a whole new generation.”
Radiant Black #1 introduces Nathan Burnett who has just turned thirty. Things aren’t great: He’s working (and failing) at two jobs, his credit card debt is piling up, and his only move… is moving back home with his parents.
But when Nathan discovers and unlocks the ethereal, cosmic RADIANT, he’s given the power to radically change his fortunes!
There’s just one problem: The powers don’t belong to him. And the COSMIC BEINGS who created them want them back… by any means necessary.
In an exclusive scoop on the announcement of the series by io9, Costa added: “Radiant Black has two things that I love—superheroes and Sentai. When Kyle told me he wanted to mix these two worlds, it was immediately interesting to me. I knew we had the opportunity to create something very special here, especially because of the characters and the timely challenges we’re building for them.”
Eric Stephenson, Publisher & Chief Creative Officer at Image Comics said also: “It’s been a few years since Kyle first pitched the idea of a new superhero series, but from the moment he mentioned it, I was in. Kyle’s superhero work speaks for itself—especially his epic run on Power Rangers and the hugely successful ‘Shattered Grid’ event—so the idea of Kyle taking the skills he’d honed on work-for-hire superheroes and developing something of his own just seemed right to me. We’ve spent a lot of time talking superheroes over the last couple years, and it’s been incredible to watch this all come together!”
Radiant Black #1 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, February 10:
- Cover A by Michael Cho – DEC200009
- Cover B by Eduardo Ferigato & Costa – DEC200010
- Cover C Blank cover – DEC200011
- Cover D (1:10 incentive) by Costa – DEC200012
- Cover E (1:25 incentive) by David Finch, Jimmy Reyes & Costa – DEC200013
Radiant Black #1 will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.
For more info and updates, visit http://radiant.black.