DC is releasing a ton of news today, including best-selling writer Tom Taylor will be taking over Earth 2 after writer James Robinson left the book under mysterious circumstances. MTV Geek has the news that Taylor will take over starting with October’s issue #17. Nicola Scott stays on as artist.
“I’ve had so much fun working on Earth 2 with James Robinson over the last year. While I’m sad to see him go, I’m really looking forward to exploring the ever expanding mysteries of the title. I’m even more excited about moving forward on this journey with my great friend and fellow countryman Tom Taylor! Not only a charming guy but a great talent to boot. She continued, I can’t wait for everyone to see what we have lined up!” said Scott in a statement.
“I’m a big fan of what James and Nicola have created so far with Earth 2, and I’m honored to be adding to this world, with its rich characters and its many mysteries. Earth 2 is entering a new age, and I’m thrilled to usher in this new age with my good friend, and fellow Australian, Nicola Scott. It was good of DC Comics to give Australia our own Earth to play with. We’ll try not to wreck the joint.” said Taylor.
While you can’t pin all the success for INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG us on Taylor, something has set this video game adaptation apart. It’s been a best seller on Kindle, comiXology, and regularly clocks in in the top 100 of print comics. Taylor, while not related to Tommy Taylor of Unwritten, as MTV Geek pointed out, is an Australian writer who has won awards for both his stage plays and previous comics, which were mostly in the Star Wars realm, and original material for Australian publisher Gestalt. His book THE DEEP has been optioned for a TV show. Just a hunch, but expect to hear a lot more from him.
Did he actually write Injustice or was he just scripting over a plot that some committee at NetherRealm Studios came up with?
I wouldn’t be too proud of either scenario to be honest.
Last i heard most of major plot points were given to him (who dies, who kills who) and he just tried to make a workable story out of that mess.
If he last about a year, I would be surprise with the fuck monkeys at the editorial driven creator away.
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