Tag: Top News
Vault announces live charity auction in honor of GEORGE PÉREZ
Proceeds will be donated to the Hero Initiative
Comics periodical sales have been flat for 20 years – or maybe they’re just...
Comcis periodical sales are either stagnant or stable depending on how you like your glass.
Exclusive Preview: Mags Visaggio is back in space with Vagrant Queen from Vault Comics
Writer Mags Visaggio is getting rave reviews for Eternity Girl #1, (drawn by Sonny Liew) out this week from Young Animal, but she's hardly resting. Coming in May, Visaggio has a new creator owned series from up and comer publisher Vault Comics: Vagrant Queen, which features art by Jason Smith, colored by Harry Saxon, lettered by Zaak Saam, with alternate covers by Natasha Alterici (Heathen).
EXCLUSIVE: Statix Announces Yragaël and Urm The Madman to Launch in August
Statix Press has announced, as part of the Druillet Masterworks series, the upcoming release of Yragaël and Urm The Madman. Featuring the artwork of comics legend Philippe Druillet (Heavey Metal, Loan Sloane) the collected adventures will...
CAB 2017 Debuts Part Two: More exciting comics to fill your brains and...
Yet more amazing comics debuting at tomorrow' Comic Arts Brooklyn show!
August Lipp
Revival House
56 pages, 8.5" X 11" 2 color offset
The long-awaited debut by comics virtuoso, August Lipp. Perhaps you've been fortunate to see glimpses of his...
Mark Millar’s new Netflix comic wasn’t announced this weekend after all
Since the bombshell announcement that Netflix had acquired Millarworld, aka movie idea factory Mark Millar, the Scotsman has kept a very low profile despite many media requests. However he finally broke his silence, at Comicbook.com of all places. In an extensive interview, the always enthusiastic Millar goes full tilt fervent on how great this deal is:
Spike Trotman’s Iron Circus Comics has raised $1 million on Kickstarter..and to celebrate they’re...
They said it wouldn't last.***
But Spike Trotman and her Iron Circus Comics publishing company just celebrated raising their one MILLIONTH dollar on Kickstarter.
Far from a weird idea, crowdsourcing has now become one of...
Big Ch-ch-changes at the Beat!
Big news, kids! As you can read in the PR below, The Beat has been acquired by Syndicated Comics, a new division of Lion Forge.
After two years with Hiveworks, five years running this solo, three years with Publishers Weekly and three with Comicon.com, original home of The Beat, I've made the most momentous team-up of all.
One man’s quest for Fu Jitsu #1 reveals the problems with the direct...
Everyone talks about the direct market but no one does anything about it. Well, Jim McLauchlin wrote about it, starting with one of those "I want those cha cha heels!" McGuffins:
Wednesday, September 27...
More on Jim Zub’s “long tail” for sales and what it means for indie...
The other day we noted that writer Jim Zub had posted some fascinating info about the trade and digital sales of his ongoing series Wayward. Well in a follow up he looked atthe sales...
The 7 Coolest Booths at New York Comic Con 2017
Another New York Comic Con has come and gone! Now that the hoopla and humidity have settled, let’s reminisce about some of the coolest booths and most fun activations from this year’s annual gathering of the nerd tribes.