They said it wouldn’t last.***
But Spike Trotman and her Iron Circus Comics publishing company just celebrated raising their one MILLIONTH dollar on Kickstarter.
Far from a weird idea, crowdsourcing has now become one of the key methods for comics creators – and publishers – to bring their projects to the market.
And to celebrate Iron Circus is having a 25% off sale.
Making yet MORE money for Iron Circus. The lady is smart.
Trotman has become the indisputable Queen of Comics Kickstarter. Among the projects she’s crowdsourced:
$260,942 For Complete Girls With Slingshots
$161,169 for The Smut Peddler Double Header
$65,601 for The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal Omnibus!
and so on and on.
If you’re in the mood to buy, in addition to comics, Spike offers her classic Poorcraft. about living on a budget, and Let’s Print a Comic, for those looking for knowledge on how to make their own.
Iron Circus recently signed with Consortium for distribution, making it even more of a powerhouse.
I’m sure Spike would laugh at the idea of being a role model, but for showing how a single creator can leverage all the financial models available to make comics and make MONEY making comics, she’s someone we should all study. And celebrate!
***If Spike can reference Earth, Wind and Fire, I can reference primo 80s Janet Jackson.
Awesome!! Really glad to see this story!
Gafas de visión desde las formas simples y cómodas.
Spike’s example is what continually deludes(?) me into thinking that maybe I can pull it off.
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