Mike Dawson has been making some very personal and interesting political comics for The Nib these past couple of years.  His latest It Was All So Different Back Then address the racial contract in America, the underlying structure that puts white Americans firmly at the center of American affairs while black Americans place in this is subordinates to their white counterpart. It’s mostly about the underlying idea that there is a benefit for white Americans that they are reaping from this.

Dawson asks us to reflect on what this means for American citizens, how this social structures affects outcomes between African-American and White Americans and how to work against biases to understand our place in all of this. Dawson integrates quotes and historical elements to question this structures. It’s a very interesting read.

You can read the entire comic It Was All So Different Back Then over at The Nib and follow Mike Dawson on Twitter.


  1. Great, impactful colouring on these examples. And, thought balloons. Looks really good, and I’ll have to read it more fully.

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