Tag: racism
Unassuming Barber Shop: The Secrets of Slam Bradley
Exploring the origins of Siegel and Shuster's super-sleuth, and how they relate to current stories featuring the character.
Source Point Press relationship with Frank Gogol ignites controversy
Source Point Press's statement comes on the heels of Gogol's announcement of a defamation lawsuit against writer Malissa White.
"I am Sam Wilson. I am The Falcon. I am my own man."
RIP Denny O’Neil: legendary writer and mentor passes away at age 81
He leaves an unsurpassed legacy.
DC ROUND-UP: SUPERMAN SMASHES THE KLAN is the best Superman comic since ALL-STAR
Superman Smashes the Klan is an unsubtle, yet refreshingly nuanced, anti-hate story for all ages.
INDIE VIEW: ‘Two Dead’ is exciting noir built on depressing social commentary
Van Jensen and Nate Powell offer some old-fashioned crime fiction with a thoroughly modern sensibility
INTERVIEW: Karen Green examines the impact of THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE
Green says the comics medium makes all storytelling more effective.
NYCC ‘19: Wilson, Shammas, Alfageeh & Henderson on Orientalism in comics & the White,...
G. Willow Wilson also opens up about why she left Ms. Marvel.
INDIE VIEW: ‘Hot Comb’ tells masterful stories about hair and race
Hot Comb
By Ebony Flowers
Drawn and Quarterly
In Hot Comb, cartoonist Ebony Flowers ushers me into a world I have no experience with and probably will never, the world of African American hair styling. More importantly,...
INDIE VIEW: ‘I Was Their American Dream’ celebrates the immigrant experience as crucial to...
I Was Their American Dream
By Malaka Gharib
Clarkson Potter
In I Was Their American Dream, cartoonist Malaka Gharib displays an infectious enthusiasm for openness as she relates her experience as the child of immigrants, a Filipino...
INDIE VIEW: ‘They Called Us Enemy’ lays out the history we’re doomed to repeat
John Seven reviews 'They Called Us Enemy'