At a private press event following their retail presentation, Dan DiDio, Jim Lee, John Romita Jr, Greg Capullo and Andy Kubert expanded more on Dark Matter, DC’s Master Class, expanding the line and other matters. We’ll be updating as we go along, but DiDio alluded to even more new initiatives aiming at bringing in new readers. “This isn’t just about the DCU,” he said. “DC itself is getting ready to expand its appeal and we’re beginning a new plan to expand our marketplace and reach out in as many ways possible. It’s also a way to take advantage of all kinds of talent.”
It was suggested that these initiatives will have a more diverse creative team than the initial Master Class/Dark Matter line-up. “Master Class is 20 other artist who are in the DCU. And some will be taking over other titles.”
DC’s Super Hero Girls line-up aimed at tween girls has been a huge success in toys and publishing and represents a concept once unthinkable in the superhero world. It will be intriguing to see what else DC does to reach markets once thought impossible to entice to comics.
After the school yard shooting/gang rape scene in Kick Ass 2, I’m not sure I’d want John Romita Jr. anywhere near this thing.
Eventually, though, any new readers will discover DC’s mainly about pornographically violent rape comics.
Well, I am curious about what new approaches we will see from DC, how they will reach people who don’t hang out in comic stores. The possibilities are endless, but inertia and resistance could make this very challenging to pull off. When is the next “non-press conference” scheduled?
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