The Lord of the Rings: War in the North is a new action-RPG set in Middle Earth that takes place during the War of the Rings but is concerned with the action in non-southern front places. LIke Eriador and Rhovanion.
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
That’s right! Carn Dûm, baby!
Distributed along with the game will be a two-part comic book! Produced by DC, it will be written by Brian Wood! This is totally exciting, but to get it you must pre-order the game at Toys R ‘Us for part 1, or buy it through Amazon, with part 2.
According to WB, gamers will gain access to parts 1 and 2 of the comic by pre-ordering War in the North at Toys R’ Us, while Amazon is offering part 2 only. There’s currently no word where the comic will be made available, though DC’s ComiXology app is a logical choice. There’s also no word on a specific release date, pricing for the comic for those without pre-orders, or whether the series consists of more than these two chapters.
For this part, Wood explained his part of it on his blog:
THAT SAID it was a fun job. I wish I could have written more than the 16 pages of script I did, but like I said, its not up to me. I love LOTR and nothing would make me happier than to write a regular comic for general release. But as far as I know, and I’m only going off the info in the above links, this is a digital-only incentive promo comic available to people who pre-order the video game from Amazon or Toys R Us.
We would give anything to see Brian Wood write a comic book called DAIN OF THE IRON HILLS.
Colleen Doran would draw either of those in a heart beat,
What would be your favored LoTR spin-off comic?
“Carn Dûm, baby!”
“Radagast and The Search for the Blue Wizards”
Dark Horse, get on this!
My Precious! My Precious!
Colleen Doran would give anything for this job! Oh, yes, she would.
Colleen very much wants the graphic novel gig for the Tale of Beren and Luthien after she finishes the one about the Rescue of Celebrian.
Gollum. Gollum.