
Just as he hinted, Alan Moore and director Mitch Jenkins have started a Kickstarter for the short film “His Heavy Heart”, the fifth part of a movie serial they’ve been collaborating on. The first four parts have been completed but the duo are seeking £45,000 to finish it in style. They’ve raised about £7,400 in a day, so a good start—but not an automatic, so you’d best go over and pledge.

The film involves a strange night club, and the mysteriously magical goings on there. Moore calls it the most detailed world building he’s ever done.

Here’s the request video.

And here are the trailers for the first two parts of the film.

Thanks to all who sent me this link.


  1. This may sound harsh, but I would feel better if I knew that each of the stakeholders had already sunk their homes and boats into this, and were now hoping for that last little bit of extra cash from us, their fans.

    Otherwise, the fans bear all the risk.

    Or did I read everything too quickly and miss the part about these bankable names each sinking all their own money into His Heavy Heart.

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