If you’re like me, you have a soft spot for comics featuring animals. Maybe it’s a throwback to my first set of plastic Noah’s Ark creatures. Maybe it’s my collective unconscious memory of Ripley’s Believe It or Not.
Anyway if you share this interest, you will like these free Nature comics, produced by “Channel Thirteen” aka PBS. Junior Free Comics editor Stephen Harrick writes:
Nature Comics is an anthology of short works on nature. Published in conjunction with the PBS program Nature, this book reveals personal accounts, historical figures, and little-known but gripping stories about the natural world. Over the years, these three issues have featured comics by Mark Evanier, R. Kikuo Johnson, Hope Larson, Josh Neufeld, Rick Veitch, Lauren Weinstein, Thomas Yeates and more.
With that creative line-up alone I’m sold. And give a farewell salute to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting that makes these kinds of thing possible.