Once again, I attended Toy Fair, and wandered every aisle! I didn’t visit every showroom, since some required appointments, or weren’t that interesting, but I made a point to visit those with comics licensees, as well as geeky fun!
Here’s my photo blog, in four parts, with a few company-specific reports for those with LOTS of product!
I slept in on Saturday, and arrived around Noon at Javits. I decided to be systematic, so I started at aisle 100 and worked my way north. The first booth that caught my eye:
American Jewel
If these were antennas, it would be even more functional! They also produce regular cat headphones as well. https://www.americanjewel.com/collections/cat-headphones/products/0-cat-headphones
Mighty Jaxx
As you can see, there’s an entire line of XXRay figurines available!
Project Genius
Uwe Mèffert designed the Pyramix in 1976, and continues to create new puzzles to challenge and vex! https://www.projectgeniusinc.com/
Monogram International
More banks, plus NBC!
Winning Moves
In addition to most of Rubik’s oeuvre, Winning Moves also produces special editions and variations of Hasbro’s games, such as Super Scrabble, Big Boggle, and Uncle Wiggily. https://www.winning-moves.com/2018_catalog/default.asp
Great Pretenders
Colour-A-Cape Superhero https://greatpretenders.ca/ca/colour-a-cape-super-hero.html Colour-A-Cape Captain Rocket https://greatpretenders.ca/ca/colour-a-cape-rocket-man.html Eight different designs in the Colour-A-Cape line!
Colour-A-Mask Superhero https://greatpretenders.ca/ca/colour-a-mask-superhero.html About USD $5!
DLG Toys
In-flat-amals http://dgltoys.com/brands/inflate-a-mals/
In addition to the Wonder Woman figures, there are also Outlander dolls on the way, but they could not be photographed.
A new figure. Check here: https://www.schleich-s.com/en/US/marvel/products.html They also produce DC figures!
Schleich has been making Smurf figurines since 1965! This is the Football set, just in time for the World Cup! https://www.schleich-s.com/en/US/the-smurfs.html
Imperial Toy
These food trucks are all fictional! Which is disappointing… I’d love to try them all! Maybe someone will license t-shirts?
Metal Earth
Yes… this entire model is printed on flat sheets of metal!
Whoa… I never paired these two novels before!
A teaser for the upcoming Lego post! These are the next wave of Lego Batman blind bags!
4D Cityscape
http://4dcityscape.com/ They offer real cities as well, and the base layers show the history of development.
The Magic Classroom
These are magic tricks, available as cards, or as small boxes. The comic tells the story of the trick. You’re then given a secret password for their website, where a video explains how the trick is presented. https://themagicclassroom.com/
Kahootz Toys
This is the do-it-yourself version of a simple kinetic sculpture/executive toy.
In the works. This box is from 1992. Nickelodeon is licensing a lot of their 90s cartoon properties.
Quite possibly the world’s most frustrating toy!
Like the Fashion Plates, but for boys?
Playmate Toys
Replicas of the TMNT arcade games.
The previous set can be stacked on top of another set!
Princess Paradise Rubie’s
An inflatable Batsuit, similar to their extremely popular T-Rex!
Kettler USA
Rody, by Gymnic. No particular reason, I just wanted a nice colorful image for “atmosphere”.
Royal Bobbles
Not to be confused with the Funko figures. Lots of Ross licensing seen at this show. Firefly Brand Management handles the licensing…Rizzoli will be publishing art books!
Toy of the Year
…and on the way out, a fake claw machine…
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