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Tag: Matteo Scalera

Millarworld goes global with THE AMBASSADORS six-issue miniseries this March

A who's who of white-hot artists will handle each of the six interconnected issues

Image in December: Black Kiss Christmas Special, Uh-Oh

After taking a look over the solicitations for Marvel and DC in December, it's time to take a look at Image's new comics. There's a whole new load of first issues, along with some...

SDCC’13: Skybound Announce ‘Manifest Destiny’ and ‘Dead Body Road’

Robert Kirkman's Skybound imprint had a panel today, during which the company announced two new titles: Dead Body Road from Justin Jordan and Matteo Scalera; and Manifest Destiny from Chris Dingess and Matthew Roberts. Let's...

New Marvel Teasers for Journey Into Mystery and Avengers Arena

Shock reverberates around the internet, as the latest two teasers from Marvel not only features full images alongside one-word teasers -- but one of them actually dares to feature a SECOND word in the...

London Super-Con reveal their starting line-up of guests

By Steve Morris, UK Correspondent This year London Super-Con surprised us all by netting Stan Lee as the guest of honour in only their first year of existence, leading many to wonder how they were going...