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Tag: I.N.J. Culbard

Wilds End

Abnett and Culbard embark on a new adventure in the world of WILD’S END

After a 5 year hiatus the fan-favorite series returns this June

EXCLUSIVE: Read an excerpt from I.N.J. Culbard’s SALAMANDRE

The new graphic novel from Dark Horse's Berger Books imprint is out in bookstores this week.

Dark Horse announces UMBRELLA ACADEMY prequel YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH by Way, Simon, Culbard,...

The series will focus on The Séance ten years prior to the events of the first Umbrella Academy series.

REVIEW: BEST OF 2000 AD living up to its title

They really weren't kidding with this "Best" business!

EXCLUSIVE: Check out the cover to Cantwell & Culbard’s EVERYTHING VOLUME 2 #1 from...

Plus, an interview with writer Christopher Cantwell on what to expect from the series.

PREVIEW: 2000AD prog 2150 is perfect for new Thrill-seekers

This is a perfect jumping-on point for new readers.

REVIEW: TIME WARP #1, Putting the Vertigo in Sci-Fi

Publishers seem increasingly willing to roll the dice on anthology formats recently. Maybe it’s the success of things like Dark Horse Presents, and the model they’ve followed of introducing new works and then successfully...