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Tag: Dustin Nguyen

DCeased: Hope at World's End

Surprise! You can read a new digital DCeased series today

This 14-part, DC Digital First story will take place during the time jump in DCeased #5.
Will Eisner Comic Book Industry Awards

SDCC ’19: Presenting the 2019 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards winners

The 2019 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards were presented at San Diego Comic-Con International on Friday, July 19 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront hotel. In categories stacked with talent, the big winners for...

Finally!! Your favorite 31st Century heroes return in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: MILLENNIUM by Bendis,...

The Legion returns in time-spanning tale that forges the entire DC Universe's future this September

PREVIEW: Magic versus machines in Lemire and Nguyen's ASCENDER #1

The debut issue of the new series is available for pre-order through Monday, April 1st.

INTERVIEW: “I think it’s fun.” Dustin Nguyen talks SDCC, revisiting Li’l Gotham and what...

Dustin sat down to talk about the upcoming Batman Tales: Once Upon A Crime and how he never really left Li’l Gotham.

By Its Cover #9: The Best Of The First Month Of DC Variants

It looks like this will be more than just a single month event.

Lemire and Nguyen’s DESCENDER enlists a screenwriter

Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen's lovely Image series Descender was picked up by Sony for adaptation into a feature film last year before the first issue even hit the stands. It was even the subject...

Lemire & Nguyen’s Descender to Begin 2nd Arc in November

Descender is back!  After a slightly longer than average hiatus, the series' second arc, entitled "Machine Moon," will begin in November. The first arc of Descender made waves when it debuted at the beginning of this year....

Dustin Nguyen & Derek Friedolfs to Illustrate Young Justice League for Scholastic in “DC...

You first heard about it from us a few weeks back-- a secret project being produced by Eisner-nominated Lil' Gotham co-writers Dustin Nguyen and Derek Friedolfs in partnership with all-ages book publisher Scholastic and DC Comics....

Interview: Jeff Lemire on the Stellar Future of Descender [Exclusive Art]

Jeff Lemire speaks with Comics Beat about his latest creator-owned venture with artist Dustin Nguyen, and the amazing universe they are building together.

Sony picks up Lemire & Nguyen’s Descender after a “competitive bidding war”

People in Hollywood are STILL liking indie comics. Descender, one of the mighty Image armada by Jeff Lemire and Dsutin Nguyen, has just been picked up by Sony after what THR called "a competitive bidding war." That could be only four figures...or more figures. The book comes out in March. I'm running out the door so here's the PR:

SDCC ’14: Jeff Lemire Explores A Futuristic Universe Through A Child’s Point Of View...

By Kyle Pinion Announced at Image Expo this year at San Diego Comic Con, Jeff Lemire's first ongoing series with Image, Descender, is described thusly: Ten years ago massive, planet-sized robots called “The Harvesters” materialized without...