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Tag: Dustin Nguyen

31 days of Winter Festivals: Dustin Nguyen’s Lil Gotham Christmas

I would buy these. Via Goonie's tumblr which is all Christmas all the time now.

On the Scene: Long Beach Comics Expo Photo Extravaganza

The semi-annual Long Beach Comics Expo landed on May 11th with a substantial line-up of guests and also some smart choices in programming. Guests included Rich Avons, Joe Benitez, Brian Buccellato, Ale Garza, Joel Gomez,...

Review: Li’l Gotham #1 – Finally! An All-Ages Batman!

It’s only taken the best part of two years, but now we’re finally back in a world where people younger than 14 can pick up a Batman book, in the form of Dustin Nguyen...

INTERVIEW: Dustin Nguyen’s Big Ideas behind LI’L GOTHAM

I caught up with longtime DETECTIVE COMICS and BATMAN artist Dustin Nguyen at WonderCon to find out about the L’IL GOTHAM phenomenon, a regular series that started as digital only from DC in October...

Lil’ Gotham Arrives Today as a Digital-First Comic

Yes we're all attempting to adjust to life in this new, crazy, Disney-owning-Lucasfilm landscape, but let's return to comics for just a little bit, okay? Because DC have announced that that artist/creator Dustin Nguyen's...