Tag: Cavan Scott
INTERVIEW: Arm Wrestling with Cavan Scott Over Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen
Yesterday Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen, was released. We talked with series co-writer Cavan Scott about how it felt to turn his attention to other Doctors, how he solves writing conflicts, and his first contact with the sinister Cybermen.
Check out some Doctor Who and Assassin’s Creed art before FCBD!
Don't know what to check out? How about a free sample before your free comic hunting begins? We've got art from the FCBD issues of two popular Titan Comics titles: Doctor Who and Assassin's Creed.
It’s a golden anniversary for Cybermen in Titan’s four Doctor summer crossover
The fab four return in Titan's summer Doctor Who crossover comic event, and they're bringing Cybermen to the party. In addition to the July 6 launch of John Barrowman's Torchwood comic series event, Titan announced today that a five issue, bi-weekly series featuring Doctors Nine through Twelve will kick off that same day.
REVIEW: It’s a Dreamy Dream-Team in Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #1
The Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Captain Jack Harkness are together again in Cavan Scott’s new adventure!
SDCC ’15: New Eighth Doctor series and holiday special announced at Titan Doctor Who...
Titan releases Eighth Doctor series details, holiday special plans and upcoming covers and art at their SDCC Doctor Who comics panel.
Titan at SDCC: Assassin’s Creed, The Blacklist, Heroes, Lenore and, of course, Doctor Who!
Titan has announced their full line-up of SDCC activities, and there's lots to choose from with ten signing sessions and two panels, as well as a bunch of exclusive covers, merchandise and sneak-peaks of upcoming series.
12th Doctor and Clara land at the San Diego convention center in a story...
The 12th Doctor and Clara battle an Alien force at SDCC in a con-exclusive issue is center stage among the con-exclusive offerings from Titan which also include a triptych of interlocking covers featuring Tennant, Capaldi and Smith and 10th doctor figures.
Review: there’s life(lives) in the old(young) Doctor yet in Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor Issue...
Writer Cavan Scott told us in an interview that this was a natural point to tell new stories about the Doctor because there is an obvious gap between episodes The Doctor Dances and Boom Town. Presumably, though the timing on the TARDIS often leaves much to be desired, every time the TARDIS takes off with only the Doctor in it could be an alternate timeline. Still, it’s a solid choice to set the story here with the TARDIS ‘dream team’ of Nine, Rose and Jack Harkness.
Interview: we talk Doctors, Secret Wars and Hitchhiker’s Guide with Ninth Doctor issue 1...
We spoke with Cavan Scott, writer of the new Ninth Doctor Comic series about what it was like to bring 9 back to life with a new story featuring fan favorite companions Rose Tyler and Jack Harkness.