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Tag: black bolt

Mezco One12 Gomez Agent Edition

Mezco Agent Gomez Brings The Heat At Toy Fair

2019 will be an awesome year for fans of the One:12 Collective.

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 12/21/17: A comic starring Rose and Paige Tico is coming!

https://twitter.com/e_charretier/status/943597942149124096 § Nice art: Elsa Charretier drew and Matt Wilson colored this cover to IDW's Star Wars Forces of Destiny, a story starring ROSE AND PAIGE TICO. That's right, the heroic Tico sisters from Star...

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 12/8/17: The three best think pieces about Akira Yoshida

§ Nice Art: The Inhumans comic may have been cancelled, and the tv show may have been a fiasco, but it seems the Black Bolt series by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward is beginning...

The Marvel Rundown: Re-united and it feels so Good in HAWKEYE #13!

Clint and Kate are back for a family reunion in Hawkeye #13, the latest comic book debut in Marvel's Legacy initiative, reviving retro concepts with newer ideas. That's not all that came out in this crowded...

Preview: Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward’s Black Bolt #1

While Marvel's PR crisis continues to swirl, it should be noted that they still have books coming up from important new voices, and The Beat will continue to support these projects. Individual creators shouldn't be penalized for...