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Tag: Ales Kot

INTERVIEW: Aleš Kot talks dildo demons and queer horror in Devlin Waugh

Whether you’ve followed him from his existential spy story Zero, his Marvel work on Winter Solider or Secret Avengers, or his complex and rawly intimate political thriller Days of Hate, there’s a good chance...
The New World

Jeremy O. Harris of SLAVE PLAY fame will pen THE NEW WORLD film

The big screen adaptation of the Image graphic novel will be released by Warner Bros.

GRAPHIC NOVEL CLUB: Aleš Kot on his NEW WORLD and Why the Less Privileged...

The legendary writer of ZERO and WOLF steps in to discuss his new book, how to get published when you're just a kid, and so much more

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 1/8/18: Con Season is here! Did you miss it?

§ Nice Art: Brazilian artist Butcher Billy has made comics like covers for this season of Black Mirror, and the public has deemed them good. I haven't watched Season 4 yet so don't spoil...

Days of Hate – Aleš Kot Writes a Comic About “Killing Nazis”

Do you like politics in your comics?  Because Aleš Kot's writing a very political comic for Image in January.  With Danijel Žeželj and Jordie Bellaire on art and color, Days of Hate is a 12-issue series set in 2022...

ECCC: Image announces everything from Mage: The Hero Denied to Shirtless Bear-Fighter

With this year's Image Expo taken off the schedule due to Image's move to Portland, the ECCC Image Panel was the scene of many announcements, including the concluding chapter of Matt Wagner's 30+ years...

Trade Paperback Staff Picks for the week of 9/30/15

As much as we here at The Beat love single issues shipping each month, sometimes certain comics and stories tend to get the best of us as we try to keep up with new...

Kot and Gorham leave a Dead Drop on the Valiant Universe

Author Ales Kot and penciller Adam Gorham are entering the Valiant Universe with a four issue mini-series entitled Dead Drop. The story features Archer, X-O Manowar, and more of the Valiant stable of characters. In keeping...

Reviews: A Murder of Cartoonists

While we were enjoying Comic Arts Brooklyn this year, my partner Marguerite Van Cook and I took a break from the excitement of promoting our new Fantagraphics Book The Late Child and Other Animals...

NYCC ’13: Ales Kot and Garry Brown on Iron Patriot #1

James Rhodes is getting a new solo series next March, with Ales Kot and Garry Brown sticking him in a red white and blue killing machine for 'Iron Patriot'. Another title with conspicuous ties to...

Image at NYCC: New books from Gillen, McCann, Hickman, Asmus, Fraction, Chaykin, Diggle…..

Image have yet again taken to the stage at a major convention and revealed a number of high-profile titles, this time offering new books from Kieron Gillen and Ryan Kelly, Andy Diggle and Jock,...