He’s really only alluded to in the series synopsis, but now according to a casting call listed on ProjectCasting, Superman will indeed be putting in some sort of appearance in the new CBS drama Supergirl.
The call appears thusly:
We are looking for BODY DOUBLE for a DC Comic Superhero –
You must be available for an interview this Thursday and if selected will work several day during March.
This is for a CBS pilot. You can be SAG or Non-Union.
You should be 5’11 or taller and be Square Jawed
and have a ripped physique.
You must send a bodyshot, shirtless, sizes, current contact info and your first five to [email protected] – in the subject line write SUPERMAN
So, if any you gents out there fit the bill, apply away!
There are a number of Superman-based characters appearing in the series such as Cat Grant, Hank Henshaw, the Toyman, and Jimmy Olsen. But this report at least confirms that Kara won’t be the only Kryptonian around doing heroic deeds.
Sure, cast yet another actor as Superman to muck up the already messy on-screen DC Universe. Can you imagine if Captain America turned up on Agent Carter and he was not played by Chris Evans. Get Henry Cavill or don’t use the character.
Jonathan: This is for a body double. Relax.
…Or probably one of those “standing in the shadow, seen from the chin down” affairs – kind of like Batman in Birds of Prey…
Boycott Supergirl.
Watch Luke Cage instead.
Do not support race change.
This isn’t the same universe as the DC Comics movie universe. Just because Marvel has decided to have only ONE onscreen universe, and their TV and movie side take place in the same reality, at no time has DC said that’ll be the case with their productions. We already know they’ve cast The Flash for the movie universe, and it’s NOT the guy from the current TV series. Apparently the TV and movie sides are SEPARATE for DC. Supergirl may not even exist in the same universe as Flash and Arrow (tho’ they have hinted she also might).
Take a breath!
Wow, I didn’t realize I sounded so hostile. Didn’t mean to :^)
I’ll just say comic fans make up very little of the overall audience and the public doesn’t know anything about different universes. The public barely knows which characters come from which company. Multiple versions of the characters are confusing. Marvel isn’t enjoying the success they are right now for no reason.
IMO, DC is trying to match the success of Marvel in a rushed and sloppy way.
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