Joe Shuster - Original Superman Illustration (DC, 1940s).jpg
ACTION COMICS #1 was published 75 years ago today.

And the world was never the same.


Sue at DCWKA also points out that it is Lois Lane’s 75th birthday. She’s a pretty enduring character as well, so we’ll wish her a happy one too.


The Daily News has a nice roundup of Superman-related birthday news.


  1. Lois Lane is arguably the most famous women in comics sharing that only fame only with Wonder Woman. She’s the first woman of comics who has appeared in more media properties than any other comics woman. She inspired real life female journalists to enter a male field and was a role model to millions of women on television as a woman in a job.

    I love Superman but Lois Lane is just as enduring and important for many reasons…particularly when it comes to women and their evolution in the workplace in our pop culture landscape.

    Happy Birthday Superman and Lois! 75 years. If this were real life, you would be a cute couple in a retirement home right now. Screw what DC Comics says.

  2. Today, instead of joining in comicdom and the media’s mindless, soulless celebration of corporate greed and treachery, I will be taking many long moments to remember Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the creators of arguably the greatest super-hero of them all, and all the other comics creators who did not and have not been properly honored and rewarded for their amazing achievements and for the millions of readers their work entertained and enriched. God bless you, Jerry and Joe!

  3. Has she appeared in more media projects than any other comics woman? Surely Catwoman gives her a run for her money, no?

  4. Lois has probably been in more stories than Selina, but she’s often just a negligible support-cast presence in them. Arguably whenever Catwoman appears, she’s scripted to make SOME sort of impression.

    Still, a “best 75 Lois stories of all time” would not be inappropriate.

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