When prize winning editorial cartoonist Matt Bors got a paying job at Medium, an internet start up funded by Twitter’s Ev Williams, the whole world of comics celebrated. But now he’s launching actual comics content every day of the year for The Nib, Medium’s comics hub, which Bors edits. And it’s AWESOME. A great line-up of cutting edge, diverse voices—just like comics can be.
Monday will feature new comics from Liza Donnelly of The New Yorker and Rich Stevens of Diesel Sweeties, along with Ruben Bolling’s masterful Tom The Dancing Bug.
Tuesday will see new work from Lulu Eightball creator Emily Flake, Brian McFadden of The New York Times, and myself.
Wednesday will be Zach Weiner, the man behind Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, political cartoons from J.J. McCullough, and Tom Tomorrow’s long running alt-weekly staple This Modern World.
Thursday will feature Jen Sorensen’s Slowpoke, chart-like charts by Disalmanac creator Scott Bateman, and Erika Moen’s Oh Joy, Sex Toy reviewing everything related to sex, sexuality and the sex industry.
Friday: New Three Word Phrase comics by Ryan Pequin, editorial cartoons by Ted Rall, and new one panels and Too Much Coffee Man strips from Shannon Wheeler.
I’ll also be publishing longer comics journalism and non-fiction every week. Susie Cagle will be contributing twice a month, covering the influx of Silicon Valley tech money that’s riling and reshaping the San Francisco Bay Area, from its streets to its culture. Andy Warner will be posting his series “Brief Histories of Everyday Objects” as well as comics journalism examining the odd, the obscure and the eccentric, like today’s comic, “Australia is a Gigantic Sponge.”
Julia Wertz will be contributing autobiography. There will be new comics journalism from Josh Neufeld. Keith Knight will be contributing an original comic every month and I’ll be running editorial cartoons from Signe Wilkinson, Adam Zyglis, Pat Bagley, and Mike Lester.
There will be comics this year from Sarah Glidden, Lucy Bellwood, Darryl Holliday and Erik Rodriguez, Ron Wimberly, Blue Delliquanti, Jess Ruliffson, Zohar Lazar, Leigh Cowart and Jeannette Langmead, Jon Rosenberg, Wendy MacNaughton, Jack Ohman, Emi Gennis, and John Martz.