The unthinkable has happened. A cartoonist has been hired for a job that pays a living wage. Instead of heating up old shoe leather to serve with his peanut butter, he’ll be able to invest in a George Foreman grill and serve grilled chicken on his top ramen, just like the serving suggestion on the package shows.
Matt Bors has announced he’s been hired by Medium to be their full-time political cartoonist:
This site will be updated with my comics in order to maintain a complete archive of my work, but not in a timely fashion. Medium is hiring me to bring in my readership and that will be the first place to see my work from now on. That comes with a real living wage and an incredible amount of freedom to work on any kind of comics I want–full time. The best way to find out when there’s a new posting is to follow me on Twitter or like my Facebook page. Some of you have been reading me here for close to a decade now. I really appreciate all the support, especially the help with the Kickstarter, which I feel helped lead me to get this gig. Okay, gotta deadline. Back to work.
While we’d feel Bors’ overall talent and cultural clarity helped him land the gig, I’m sure Kickstarter didn’t hurt,
What kind of crazy, money-burning media outlet hires a cartoonist anyway???? was founded by Blogger/Twitter co-founder Ev Williams. It’s billed as a “content site” that runs longer pieces but has readers upvote the best. As you might guess, it’s a well-funded start-up.
Cartoons are certainly content. Sounds like a great deal for all parties. Let’s hope this is just the start of a wonderful new trend. Actually it already is; the illustration used to accompany the Bors announcement (shown above) was by cartoonist Jim Rugg. A cartoonist paid for an illustration. Age of miracles, I tell ya.
More reason to support Medium!
LOVE THIS POST! Thank you.
Fantastic news. Bors and Rugg are both huge talents.
“While we’d feel Bors’ overall talent and cultural clarity helped him land the gig …”
Cultural clarity?
Well he sure does seem to have a lot of talent. It’s good there should be more opportunities to develop artistic talent and expression. I hope it turns into more than a livable wage.
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