Arriving on November 29th, Star Trek Waypoint is the tpb collection of #1-6 of IDW’s Star Trek Waypoint series with short form stories across the various Trek TV franchises.
Official PR:
Traversing the rich Star Trek universe, the debut collection of Waypoint stories feature captivating standalone tales drawing from five decades’ worth of history. These thought-provoking stories range from “fill-in-the-gap” tales that weave into previous events as well as pushing the stories forward into fresh territory never before explored. Hailed as “the best of Star Trek in bite-sized stories” by Multiversity, Waypoint presents bold new takes on your favorite Star Trek characters!
Star Trek:Waypoint features crews and characters from Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Enterprise, and more, in exciting stories envisioned by top-tier talent. Creators putting their unique spin on the beloved franchise include Donny Cates (Dr. Strange), Gabriel Hardman (Green Lantern: Earth One), Cecil Castellucci (Shade, the Changing Girl), Sam Maggs (Secret Loves of Geek Girls), Mack Chater (Black Panther and The Crew), Megan Levens (Star Trek: Boldly Go), Cavan Scott (Star Wars Adventures), Rachel Stott (Star Trek/Planet of the Apes), Josh Hood (We Can Never Go Home), Simon Roy (Prophet), Mairghread Scott (Transformers), Corin Howell(Ghostbusters), Vivek J. Tiwary (The Fifth Beatle), and many more! The 6-issue collection will feature an all-new cover by Josh Hood.
“From STAR TREK: VOYAGER to STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, STAR TREK fans are passionate about their favorite TV series, and always ask me for comics set in that universe,” said series editor Sarah Gaydos. “WAYPOINT decidedly delivers on this, thanks to the incredible work of some of the best talent in the comic book industry.”
Under license by CBS Consumer Products, the Star Trek: Waypoint trade paperback collection is now available in comic shops and in book stores on November 29th.
Star Trek: Waypoint
SC • FC • $19.99 • 160 pages
6.6” x 10” • ISBN: 978-1-68405-017-8
Diamond Code: AUG170483
Expected in-store date: 11/29/17
“Arriving on October 29th,”
I assume that is supposed to read: “Arriving on NOVEMBER 29th,”
thanks … i like your nice artical this is able for reading and making fun
thanks this loving blog
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