NBC is largely getting behind the return of Heroes. The show, long thought dead, has had a major presence in and around SDCC. During their Comic-Con presentation news came of two new games from Imperative Entertainment  based on the upcoming series.

Imperative Entertainment released the first trailer for HEROES REBORN: Gemini(console/PC) and HEROES REBORN: Enigma (smartphone/tablet) — two games connected with the upcoming “HEROES REBORN” TV series. The trailer gives a glimpse into the dark world of the “HEROES” universe as well as the incredible powers fans and players can expect to wield in the game. 


The trailer was shown this afternoon during the “HEROES REBORN” panel at San Diego Comic-Con.


Expanding on the television story arc of “HEROES REBORN,” HEROES REBORN: Gemini is a next-generation first-person adventure PC/console game that brings players into the dangerous world of Cassandra, a young woman who is determined to solve the mysteries of her past while discovering her new powers. The first-person action-puzzle mobile game, HEROES REBORN: Enigma, follows Dahlia, an evolved human with incredible powers, as she attempts to escape captivity at a secret government facility called The Quarry.


HEROES REBORN: Gemini and HEROES REBORN: Enigma feature two different stories from “HEROES” creator and “HEROES REBORN” Executive Producer Tim Kring. While the games can be played separately, they share key characters, plot points, and gameplay dynamics, welcoming newcomers and fans to the “HEROES” universe and creating a richer experience for those who play both