It seems a little “pie in the sky” as far as rumors go, but Kellvin Chavez over at Latino-Review is reporting that, according to his sources, Marvel Studios has met with action star Jason Statham regarding a role in their cinematic universe. The role in question would be that of Daredevil’s other iconic nemesis, Bullseye.
Daredevil was such a smash success back in April, that Marvel green-lighted a second season on Netflix within only a few weeks of its release.
Chavez goes on to state that Mr. Fear and Mysterio are also expected to appear as antagonists, along with Elektra, in Daredevil‘s second season that will see release in 2016.
Statham would be a heck of a get for the series, particularly given his high profile, and after seeing Spy this week, he’s got some chops that took me by surprise as well. A number of well regarded actors have appeared on Netflix’s original programming in the past few years including Kyle Chandler and, of course, Kevin Spacey. So I wouldn’t say this is completely outside the realm of possibility, but it’s an awfully big name.
Oh boy, am I ever excited about Daredevil Season 2.