Forget vampires and Harry Potter. Robert Pattinson may be moving into the superhero sphere. According to Variety, Pattinson has been tapped to play Bruce Wayne in Matt Reeves’ forthcoming The Batman film, which is slated to hit theaters June 25, 2021. Sources say the casting isn’t official yet, but Pattinson is the top choice and the decision will likely be announced soon.
Reeves, who is behind the last two Planet of the Apes films, took over directing duties from Ben Affleck on Batman in January 2017. Now that Affleck has left behind Batman completely, Reeves has the opportunity to choose his own lead for the new film. Variety reports that Pattinson is the top choice for the role, even though the final script is still being polished.
Pre-production on the newest Batman flick is expected to start this summer. Filming is expected to begin in late 2019 or early 2020, with Reeves writing, directing and co-producing alongside his Planet of the Apes collaborator Dylan Clark. Affleck is also listed as a co-writer and co-producer for the project.
He’s a bit short… but, I’m sure he can bring things to it
Yeah, maybe he’ll be “The Sparkly Knight” instead of “The Dark Knight”! Dear God, I hope this is just conjecture and rumor, with no real truth to this!
Check him out in COSMOPOLIS. He’s really good.
I like a comment that a film critic made — that Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were constantly made fun of in the Twilight era, but now they’re almost entirely responsible for keeping auteur-driven art house films alive in theaters.
As a thinking adult man of reasonable intelligence, it is perfectly logical to me that an actor has done more with his career than star in silly vampire romance films that wrapped seven years ago. It’s also perfectly logical, as someone who’s never seen any of this man’s filmography, to reserve judgment for my personal viewing of the movie, as I have done with Evans, Affleck, Gadot, Momoa and Miller in the past.
Don’t forget Michael Keaton. Fans went berserk when his casting was announced, as you know if you’re old enough to remember the late ’80s.
“as someone who’s never seen any of this man’s filmography”
Get off the couch and go see some movies, Geoffrey.
And how do you know the Twilight movies were silly if you’ve never seen them?
Fair enough. To both of you.
I was born in ‘88, so though I was alive when Keaton’s first movie came out, I wasn’t exactly conscious of anything. I didn’t see Batman ‘89 until I was fifteen.
Eh, I’ll watch clips online. I don’t care enough to seek out the full movies. Just give me some highlighted scenes that showcase his talent.
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