Fans of the original Red Sonja comics will be VERY excited by this news: an all new original graphic novel about the She Devil with a Sword by co-creator Roy Thomas and Spanish art legend Esteban Maroto and colorist Santi Casas. Red Sonja: The Ballad of the Red Goddess, co-published with Spanish publisher Planeta, will be a fresh take on Sonja’s origin, published as an oversized hardcover in B&W with red highlights.
Even if you’re not a Bronze Age veteran, you may enjoy the art by Maroto, one of the legends of Spanish comics, and the man who designed Sonja’s original chainmail bikini – as well as drew her first solo story. If there must be babes with swords, let them be this beautifully drawn.
“Red Sonja: The Ballad of the Red Goddess is easily one of the most beautiful and prestigious books we’ve ever had the ability to publish and we’ve been publishing Red Sonja since the very dawn of Dynamite,” said Nick Barrucci, CEO and Publisher of Dynamite Entertainment. “Roy Thomas’ story is incredible and Moroto & Casas’ artwork is unreal. This is the Red Sonja book everyone should have on their shelves.”
More below:
Red Sonja: The Ballad of the Red Goddess will be published as an oversized hardcover featuring a spectacular use of black, white and red throughout in a European format. Never before seen in English, this original graphic novel is an all-new tale, lost from the Nemedian Chronicles – until now! Dynamite is proud to bring this story to an English reading audience for the first time ever.
In addition to the standard hardcover edition, a limited signature edition of Red Sonja: The Ballad of the Red Goddess will be available for fans signed by Eisner Hall-of-Fame recipient Roy Thomas! Only 500 copies of this edition will be produced, so reserve your copy with your local comic shop today.
Red Sonja: The Ballad of the Red Goddess will be solicited in Diamond Comic Distributors’ September 2018 Previews catalog, the premier source of merchandise for the comic book specialty market, and slated for release in November 2018. Comic book fans are encouraged to reserve copies of Red Sonja: The Ballad of the Red Goddess with their local comic book retailers. Red Sonja: The Ballad of the Red Goddess will also be available for individual customer purchase through digital platforms courtesy of Comixology, Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, Dynamite Digital, iVerse, Madefire, and Dark Horse Digital.
Have to agree, that’s pretty expressive work that elevates it.
It’s a shame people probably only think VARIANT COVERS!!! when they think of Dynamite. It’s not like they don’t deserve it but they’ve done a remarkable job consistently publishing comics with a female lead that are actually worth reading.
“they’ve done a remarkable job consistently publishing comics with a female lead that are actually worth reading.”
Especially if you like looking at women in chain mail bras. Let’s hear it for progressive depictions of women …
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