Yep it’s here. New york COmic Con is sprawling out over the world like Cthulhu.
Beat alum Steve Morris and I were walking in quest of some coffee when we beheld this surreal vista outside the window. SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE, PEOPLE. But the line quickly dispersed, or at least by the time i had my precious coffee, the line was gone as people entered the hall in an orderly and peaceful fashion.
The big big bBIG news is FREE WIFIF this year! There are two channels both labeled @comicCon16 and so far they work. This is as opposed to having to pay $75 a day in the past so big thanks to ReedPOP for this! At the very least it will make live blogging and Periscoping so much easier!
In less amazing news, no Star Wars creamer sponsors in the press room this year. Heartbreaking, really. First the Mets and now this. That’s why The Beat had to stand in line for coffee.
In the past, NYCC has had a lot of food partnerships with local restaurants but aside from the signature Brooklyn Brewery exclusive, a lot less of that this year. In fact, this may sound crazy but…it looks like New York Comic Con is growing up a little.