Now that Captain Marvel is dominating the global box office, Marvel Studios has finally introduced Carol Danvers to the rest of the Avengers in a new trailer. On Thursday, Marvel released the second Avengers: Endgame trailer, which is a dramatic look at the remaining players who weren’t lose to Thanos’ snap in Infinity War: namely, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Ronin (formerly Hawkeye), War Machine and Iron Man. Nebula, Rocket and Ant-Man are also featured.
From the looks of things, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is stuck in space — until he isn’t anymore — and Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) somehow made his way back from the Quantum Realm on his own. The world is different, but Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) and Natasha Romanov (Scarlett Johansson) aren’t giving up.
“Whatever it takes” seems to be the new mantra for the Avengers in this trailer, especially as they suit up in what looks like space tech, likely for a trip to the Quantum Realm. Meanwhile, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) gives his approval of Carol (Brie Larson) when she merely smirks after Stormbreaker flies past her head and into his hand.
Check out the new trailer below.
Shortly after releasing the new trailer, Marvel also released a new Avengers: Endgame featuring seemingly every key character from the film. Avengers: Endgame hits theaters Friday, April 26.
Avengers: Endgame poster 2


  1. Firstly, it’s ronin not ronan. Ronan is the warrior from kree. And thor new weapon called stormbreaker.

  2. MCU: where no one wears masks, not even for a poster. (because y’know, the audience might not know who is in the Avengers films if you obscure their photogenic features :D)
    I want to like this but I feel like Carol is just being pushed so much to the detriment and tenure of longer-serving characters. I was reluctant to say that due to the horrible but sadly not shocking troll behavior with Rotten Tomatoes last month but it’s just the truth! I also think Monica Cap got a bad break!

  3. “I want to like this but I feel like Carol is just being pushed so much to the detriment and tenure of longer-serving characters.”
    In this poster, Larson only has ninth billing.

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